Sunday, June 3, 2007

A post worth repeating...

"Its up to Lifepoint to sell themselves to their customers, not the customers' responsibility to fix whats wrong."



Anonymous said...

Many of the physicians are tired of waiting for LifePoint to improve things. The physicians have their quarterly medical staff meeting on Wednesday evening, June 6. It could prove interesting. . .stay tuned!!

Anonymous said...

And thats exactly what I was driving at when the post that included "Its up to Lifepoint to sell themselves to their customers, not the customers' responsibility to fix whats wrong."
was written.

The doctors, nurses, and staff, with enough fortitude can correct some of the internal problems. It might mean going elsewhere to treat patients, which is not neccessarily a good thing. But let them lose enough money, and like any other corporation, they will wise up and start doing the things needed to compete. Better working conditions, better pay, more services etc. The old adage "supply and demand" will come into play. When demand for your services (ie admissions) drop and your workforce is inadequate, you start doing what is necessary to correct the problems. Like has been said many times on this blog, Lifepoint is accustomed to buying hospitals where patients and staff had no other choice but to swallow whatever lifepoint did.

Anonymous said...

Warren Buffet: "You can't do good business with bad people."

Unfortunately, Lifepoint execs are not good people -- evidence: ongoing, unrepentent flat-out lying to the community, and endangering of patients. Also note their similar records at other locations.

We Danville folks, best we can, are voting with our feet. Lifepoint stockholders . . . ?

Anonymous said...

Someone said "But let them lose enough money, and like any other corporation, they will wise up and start doing the things needed to compete. Better working conditions, better pay, more services etc."

While I think you and I understand this as a way to increase revenue in the long run I'm not sure Lifepoint does. After all, why are they going to pour more money into a company that's already losing money? (And better working conditions, competitive pay for the region, and more services would cost them money)

Anonymous said...

Yes, but losing money is all they understand. They will either fix it or sell...we win either way.

Anonymous said...

I would like to warn you all the physicians as a whole may not have your better interests as a motivating factor. Many are upset with their own issues. many of the items they complain about are standard practices throughout the country. If you wonder where we are still lacking in compliance with joint commission standards they are items in which the physicians refuse to cooperate. Standards which are found throughout the united states that work to ensure patient safety. Standards by the way that other hospitals have had no difficulty initiating and did so years ago. Yet we have to put up with a medical staff who do not support patient safety initiatives because their schedules may become interupted. We have many good talented physicians but we also have several who are above following proven standards of practice.

Anonymous said...

That last anonymous post about physicians is hogwash. There is a dedicated group of doctors who have stayed here through the difficulties of the past two years. There are MANY better paying jobs with MANY hospitals that are much more doctor friendly and communities that offer more than Danville does. They remain out of a sense of loyalty to the community they have chosen to call home. The hospital attempted to make them a scapegoat for the JCAHO failures but that dog just won't hunt. The "medical staff" problems were administrative, not clinical.
Sign me, an offended doctor

Anonymous said...

Many of the physicians are excellent. Many are not. You state you are one of the quality bunch; I and others appreciate that. But objectively there are many who are abusive to staff, offer substandard care; refuse to put forth needed change. just because you have MD after your name does not mean you are a great practitioner. There are good and bad just like in every barrel of apples. Unfortunately for this hospital and this community the bad are often times the ones who influence the masses.

Anonymous said...

Agree with the above poster. The few physicians that consider themselves as quality care givers certainly have not had any influence over their peers nor have they been able to impact the state of affairs that has existed for the past couple of years.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know how you think we will win either way. If the patients and physicians leave it will take a very long time for things to turn around. What about all of the employees that will no longer have a job? Do you even care about them? Not every one is a nurse and can go down the road.