Friday, June 29, 2007

Competition is good

Stay tuned...

"Annie Penn Who?"
Danville Register and Bee
Friday, June 29, 2007
DANVILLE -- A marketing campaign at Annie Penn Hospital in Reidsville is targeting Danville patients dissatisfied with Danville Regional Medical Center.
Read what the president of Annie Penn had to say about it in Saturday's Register & Bee.


Anonymous said...

has anyone seen the add??

Anonymous said...

Sure, it was started with the handsome pull-out section about two Sundays back. Really beautiful stuff--nothing like the hack stuff from Lambert.

Talk around the newspaper is that the paper gave Annie Penn a big discount in order to force LifePoint back into the Register as an advertiser. A very old and very effective trick.

But a good one this time, since the community will benefit greatly from trying Annie Penn.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Annie Penn. It is our only hope for decent care.

Notable that now that the bank boys have finished destroying our hospital, they have begun destroying our greatest legacy--the magnificent old Dan River buildings that encompassed our forbears for many decades, helping them with their hiopes and drams--and even our great Danville Regional Hospital!

Anonymous said...

Huh? How do you connect the two?

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the American National Bank officers who destroyed our hospital are up to their elbows in destroying the Dan River buildings. That's what I gathered the poster means.

Anonymous said...

Annie Penn may be great, but we live in Blairs and have gone to Centra in Lynchburg. We thought it was even better than Danville Regional ever was. We have a family member still working at DRMC, now under Lifepoint, and from what she says, it not only is an awful place to work but that it is a dangerous place for patients! I guess that's why they lost their accredation.

Anyway, my point is that Centra is a great alternative, too. Our family member hope to get on at Centra, despite the high gas prices.

Anonymous said...

I've read that Ben Davenport, the chief Bank Boy with Bob Ashby, is having a good time tearing down Dan River's buildings, but is American National Bank involved?

I loved the post that pointed out that these guys are like little kids who enjoy breaking other kids' toys....a perfect description. I'd add that they are spoiled brats who never had tpo do a day's hard work.

Anonymous said...

Dead wrong. Ashby is a poor boy from across the tracks. That's why he is a yessuh-boss to the creeps at American National who betrayed us. They tease him along by pretending they will make him one of them. I still like Ashby and feel sorry for him. I don't think his behavior reflects his true soul.

--Former Patient.

Anonymous said...

For God's sake! Ashby is as evil and greedy as Davenport, Majors and the whole crowd of blood-suckers. What they haven't already destroyed in our community, they'll get around to it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

On Thursday 6/21, the Register and Bee printed a front page article "Another Changing of the Guard" announcing Art Doloresco's resignation and an editorial entitled "Doloresco to be missed" in which the departing CEO was elevated to near-sainthood. Unfortunately, the canonization of St. Art was not available to the online readers of the R&B possibly because of a technical irregularity.
Today, the technical irregularity was corrected, but the editorial entitled "Doloresco to be missed" is still not available to the online readers.

Did the R&B change their opinion?

Did anyone notice?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fascinating!

Of all the ridiculous editorials in that paper, the one you cite was the silliest. The editorials are nearly always smarmy, void of logic and insulting to readers' intelligence. But THAT one seemed clearly to be a clear effort to get back the LifePoint advertising.

Just bidness, you know.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"Few people have done more for Danville than Bob, Ben and Charley."
That has to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard.
Start the chant: Annie Penn, Centra, Moses Cone, Morehead, and Duke. DRMC is lost.
The "fathers" of Danville have only succeeded in keeping Danville in the stoneage so they could be big fish in a little pond, this only shows how inept they really are, scared of ANY competition.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone praise Davenport, Ashby, Majors and that gang of traitors who are working to destroy our community for their own pet projects and selfish interests.

They would all be lost in the high weeds anywhere but in Danville. They are moral pygmies and so very shameless. Davenport has got himself back on the front pages by making a killing opff wrecking the old Dan River buildings.

These guys have created their personal legacies of shame that will be remembered for generations.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Davenport and Majors and the American National Bank crowd, but please lay off Bob Ashby. He is an innocent in this whole thing. I'm in his church, and I'm telling you that he is a good man who was duped by the gang of thieves who sold us down the river. You cannotimagine how upset Bob and his wife are over the role he was duped into playing.
Let's show him some charity.

Anonymous said...

How sick can you people get?

Anonymous said...

say what you may say about your so called "boys at the bank", but lets be matter how you cut it, call those jobs and your job, a governement hand out, but without ashby and davenport you would be only a statistic, an unemployed one. that group has done more for this community than anyone will ever know. call me what you may, but when i lay down to go bed at night i know that i didnt just talk, but took the walk.

Toodles. You ungrateful losers!

Anonymous said...

yall are either unemployed or goodyear workers on the union, dicking around, waiting for goodyear to export your job. and when they say we went overseas to find efficinencies, yall will be the first one at lowes picketing, wondering why you dont have a job. its cause you complain, dont go beyond the expectations set, and generally think you are protected from putting in an honest days work cause of your precious union. wait a minute......i must be a union member because i am complaining not acting......why did you export my job again?

Anonymous said...

Toodles clearly has a nice do-nothing job at the Institute, or one of the other places existing on tax handouts, thanks to the gang of thieves. That's how it works. You create do-nothing entities like the Institute, slurping at the public trough, and pack them with people like Toodles and build a constituency. That's how Boss Tweed did it in New York and the Daleys in Chicago. It always leads to corruption and ruin, which clearly have a nice start in Danville.

Anonymous said...

Toodles is a stooge is what Toodles is, and we all know it.

Or maybe she is that daughter Mr. ALLCAPS used to talk about?

Anonymous said...

I think the "bank boys" have done good things in the past.

However the issue at hand is what they did to the hospital, and how they wrangled control of the proceeds. MOST importantly to me right now is the fact they aren't lifting a finger to correct their mistake and are brazen enough to use our money for their pet projects. Their arrogance is unbelievable. A recent letter in the Chataham paper listed all of the business closings in dowtown chatham and the economic problems there, yet Davenport is having a community center built there....who will it serve and exactly how much use will it get? Who knows, but what is known is it will be an expense for for the folks at Chatham for years to come and not generate one cent of revenue.

They would improve their image and could probably help the whole situatuion if they would just step up and explain why they did what they did and offer help or suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Name one single good thing the Boys and the Bank ever did that was not purely self-serving. Name just one.

Is it true that Davenport has put the $3 million center across from his own office? I cannot believe that's really true. If so, when the place collapses, he no doubt will wind up with it as his corporate headquarters?

Now that would make sense!

Anonymous said...

As someone who lives in Chatham I can tell you that not only is the center across from his office, he also owns the land it is being built on. The center is currently being housed in Chatham Baptist Church (Ben's church) and the area the church gave them to have the center was totally destroyed to the point that contractors have had to be called in to repair dry wall that was cracked, doors hanging loosely on their hinges, and replace some cracked windows. Now, if peolple will do this inside a church what do you think the stand alone center will look like in a couple of years.

Anonymous said...

It will be a disaster for the town and its people, and all the folks beneath the steeple! As they say in Chatham, no one has been more destructive of that town than Ben Davenport. And he pretenmds to be such a big caring Christian. It is a scandal, and he is shameless.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. I can see it now, "ole Ben will come to the rescue by opening a building maintenance service to keep the community center in tip top shape. Of course it won't be cheap, but another few cents meal tax should cover it.

Anonymous said...

Ben Davenport has been very helpful to Hargrave over the years, and he should be given credit for that. I realize the rest is a disaster--especially what he has done in Danville--but give him credit for helping Hargrave. Two buildings have been named after him, and that means he paid big time.

Anonymous said...

As I said earlier I am sure they have done some good in the past...shame their legacy will be what these communities have gone through over their actions with the hospital and especially their refusal to man-up and address the situation or help right the wrong.
And it doesn't appear they are helping any with the disbursement of the $$$$.

Anonymous said...

The money is for their pet projects like the Institute. They want that to be their legacy.

But Davenport has helped Hargrave....give him credit for that.

Anonymous said...

For Gods sake, the man is a meat-headed bully dumb enough to throw away our hospital, tear down Dan River and create that ridiculous institute. So he helped Hargrave? I hear he named buildings after himself, and that he wants the Institute named after him. He is an egomaniac who would be a joke lost in high weeds anywhere but here. Sorry, but those are the facts.

Anonymous said...

If you've ever heard Davenport pray, you would know he is a powerful Christian. He may not be smart, but he's a heckuva Christian, so let's judge him not, for he knows not what he does.

Of course he wants his name on buildings. Don't you?

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Anonymous said...

Pharaohs want their names on buildings too. The'll even erect self portrait sculptures. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Two things on Ben Davenport, in his defense:

The Chatham Community Center, as dumb an idea as it is, will be built on property that Ben bought and donated. It is across from his office, and this $3 million structure will benefit him enormously. Of course he has a tremendous self-interest in his pet project, but that's how things get done. But it is NOT being built on his property.

The main reason his name is on two buildings at Hargrave is because of the enormous love and respect so many have for him. He may be a living disaster for Chatham and Danville, but give him credit for Hargrave!

Anonymous said...

It's the wrecking ball He has taken to Chatham Baptist that sickens my soul. What He has done in Danville is nothing compared to this.

Anonymous said...

People at Hargrave may love him, but, it does not hurt that over the past 10 years he donated around $10 millioin dollars for the building of these buildings with his name on them. Heck, if I gave you millions of dollars you would love me too. And to the poster who said the center was not being built on his land, you are sadly mistaken. That land was donated by him to build the center, but, he still OWNS the land.

Anonymous said...

How can you donate the land and still own it?

Not saying you're wrong...just asking.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could get in direct touch with the person who wrote about what the Davenports have done to Chatham Baptist Church. The crazy thing is that, like people are scared to speak up. Its like they are all afraid. I think fear is a big part of it but I don't know why anyone is afraid of them.

Anonymous said...

The paper said he gave away the land, but who knows. He probably makes the paper print what he tells them.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has been one the receiving end of a donation from Ben, let me tell you, when he gives things away they have strings. You may use a donation as you wish, as long as Ben approves of its use.

Anonymous said...

All of this is just a power trip for Mr. Davenport. It's all he cares about---power, power, power. If you notice, he never moves alone--always in a pack of yes-men who make him think he's the Alpha Male. That's how he bullies people. I challenge anyone to find an example where he has ever gone up against anyone he knew he could not bully. The only reason he gives to any pet cause is to extend his control.

It is a deep sickness, and an awful tragedy that it is manifested in destroying something like the hospital, or the Chatham Baptist Church, or Dan River, or even the town of Chatham.

He needs to be seeing a shrink, but I don't think Bob Ashby would quite be up to it.

Anonymous said...

Note to "How can you donate land and still own it?"
Sometimes, controlling wealthy people (publically) "give away" their land and still "own it" in leasing contracts. Often, there will be a designated time period and any improvements on the property such as buildings etc. will become the property of the leasor (land owner) when the lease expires. Sometimes, contracts are written that the land can be "leased" as long as it is used for a specific purpose, and if "at any time" the purpose is changed or stopped, the land can be taken back by the owner(improvements and buildings included).Many times, the continuance of the purpose can be financially or politically manipulated by the largest "bank roll"-thus, (controlled.)
Not saying this is the case here-but sounds like a possibility. It doesn't sound quite as noble and generous if it's reported as a lease to the newspaper. Rarely, will newspaper staff take the time to look up a deed at the court house. (Public record by the way-anyone should be able to access it)
And yes, the newspaper knows which side their bread is buttered on. Too bad they loose credibility while focused just on butter.

Anonymous said...

I have a person going to Chatham this week to check some deeds, and I'll ask her to look this up.

Anonymous said...

All of these things are true about Davenport, BUT.... I think one of the very worst single things he has done is to take a fine, honest, principled man like Charles Hawkins and turn him into what Hawkins became. At the end of his career, Hawkins had disgraced his constituents on everything they thought he believed in--all sacrificed for the silly, power-mongering ideas of Davenport. The hospital is just part of it.

Anonymous said...

Guys, Face reality. Lifepoint is a multibillion dollar corporation. Danville will not hurt it, no matter what happens. Trying to throw stones at Goliath will not work in this century. There are quality problems that are being addressed. Staffing levels are concerning but not horrendous. Things could be much worse, believe it or not. To keep "boycotting" the hospital does not hurt Lifepoint, they will make money selling gas to you leaving town. It only hurts the quality people staying behind doing their jobs. Then when things hit the fan, you will have a "transfer station" that hopefully will take care of you. In reality that does NOT exist. You are not going to build another hospital. The Boys at the Bank will grovel until the furor dies down and not contribute anything to help us. Lifepoint will go on, with or without you. Face reality! This is, what it is. If there are specific concerns, bring them up, to the newspapers, to the attorney general, to your doctor. Blanket condemnations do not work and do not bring about change. We asked for a new CEO, now we have one. Stop for a minute and give him a chance. Do you even know what to ask for next?? If so, be specific! Otherwise the only losers in all this will be the doctors, staff and patients (now and future) that live in Danville. You can bet Lifepoint and the Boys could not care less.

Anonymous said...

Any of you discussing the land in Chatham that Big Ben "donated" know how he got it?? He set the guy that owned up on some kind of barter system for oil and he dumped old oil under the building, then he overcharged the man in that building and foreclosed on him when he couldn't pay his debt at once. Prince of a Bank Boy, isn't he????????

Anonymous said...

"they will make money selling gas to you leaving town"
I can buy it across the line and besides lpnt doesn't do gas.

"We asked for a new CEO, now we have one. Stop for a minute and give him a chance"
He's already talked about cutting jobs and has lied to 2 different cities SEVERAL times.

"Do you even know what to ask for next?? If so, be specific!"
The MD's have already asked for more staff to make things efficient and SAFE like it was, they even used the CA staffing LAWS as a model lpnt said NO.

Guys, Face reality. Lifepoint is a multibillion dollar corporation. Danville will not hurt it, no matter what happens.
Lpnt has already gone on record as saying that DRMC is costing them Millions and is a liability, has good potential but was lost early on and is a liability.

"Otherwise the only losers in all this will be the doctors, staff and patients (now and future) that live in Danville."
Did you happen to read the article in the Register and Bee about the Danville population?
It's now about what it was in the 1940's well the quality of medical care is about what it was in the 40's too. More and more people are leaving this pitiful good 'ole boy corrupt money wasting no vision excuse for a city. Every city manager in the last 50 years has had some type of corruption scandal, now L. Wright might help with the "money" from the sale.... Oh Lord help us .

As for the MD's and the staff ...
the majority have either the degree the experience or both in which to use in another city that at least tries to provide a reasonable environment for it's GROWING populations....see ya ...

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