Monday, June 4, 2007

A good start

Danville Register and Bee editorial
Monday, June 4, 2007

Danville Regional Medical Center’s preliminary denial of accreditation has been a dark cloud over the hospital since it was announced in March. While Danville Regional remains accredited, the public can’t help but be shaken by the news.
Last week, Danville Regional CEO Art Doloresco met with members of the local business community to talk about the hospital’s accreditation status - including some of the factors that led to the preliminary denial of accreditation - and what he expects to happen in the future.
Doloresco has come a long way from stating that the hospital’s accreditation status was a “private matter between me, the hospital and the (Joint) Commission.”
“This is only the second time in the United States that a hospital has revealed a Joint Commission decision,” Doloresco said last week. “… This is a unique opportunity for businesses to take a look … There are more than 500 standards and we have 21 of those not in compliance.”
Danville Regional Medical Center isn’t required to explain the preliminary denial of accreditation, but the community served by Danville Regional isn’t required to take what Doloresco and other hospital officials say at face value. Having a national accreditation organization issue a preliminary denial was a shock. Not knowing exactly what the Joint Commission found lacking at Danville Regional has been an additional frustration.
Doloresco should be congratulated for his address to the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce - if the speech is the start of a more open dialogue with the public.
Dan River Region residents have to make up their mind about Danville Regional, and the best way for them to be able to do that is with more information, not less.
Hospital officials should continue the dialogue started by Doloresco during last week’s speech to local business leaders.


Anonymous said...

I still find it hard to believe that only one other hospital has ever revealed the findings of a Joint Commission survey to the public.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that a CEO would discuss the findings of Joint Commission with the Chamber of Commerce before holding employee meetings to discuss the findings and chart the course for improvements.

The first tactic smacks of PR spin, while the second would suggest a team player who also realizes the value of employees who can 1) pitch in to make positive change happen and 2) become 1,500 positive PR machines.

Anonymous said...

....And that's how things go.... when large corporate for-profit healthcare is allowed to operate as a dictatorship masked in a democratic consumer driven market-..where consumers hope its all good
and find out that some of it is not.
But this is the people; and for the people...
which people are we?

Anonymous said...

How can anyone remotely wonder if this DeLoresco is telling the truth? Of course he is not telling the truth. He's in the lying and spinning business, and only fools would believe anything he says.

Anonymous said...

"I find it hard to believe that a CEO would discuss the findings of Joint Commission with the Chamber of Commerce before holding employee meetings to discuss the findings and chart the course for improvements.

The first tactic smacks of PR spin, while the second would suggest a team player who also realizes the value of employees who can 1) pitch in to make positive change happen and 2) become 1,500 positive PR machines."


Anonymous said...

How could the "Art"ful Dodger even know that this is only the second time results have been revealed??? What a crock full of ----. Dixie Doss

Anonymous said...

Yeah thats kinda what I was thinking Dixie.....but what do we know, maybe there is an agency somewhere that tracks ALL communities in the USA and reports each time a hospital chooses to reveal something about Joint Comm. findings. Bet they've been bored as hell until Art gave them a second chance to report something.

Anonymous said...

Research Joint Commission-an indepedent commercial agency? Look up the latest report for DRMC-look at the date and information released. Then research new transparancy laws. Then look up state of Virgia regulations regarding healthcare. Express your concerns to Dept. of Health and Services about services you've witnessed. Report patient abuse or neglect, and less than quality care issues. Then contact your legislatures.