Friday, February 1, 2008


Danville Free Clinic awarded $1.4 mil.
Danville Register and Bee
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Danville Regional Foundation has announced this morning it will award a grant of $1.4 million to the Free Clinic of Danville.
The money will allow the clinic to hire a full-time nurse practitioner, a full-time executive director and a full-time clinical director, as well as get the resources they need to develop a long-range strategic and business plan.

The Danville Regional Foundation holds the money made from the sale of Danville Regional Medical Center in 2005.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news for the Free Clinic!They deserve every penny.
Now.... any truth to the rumor that the foundation is being dissolved?

Anonymous said...

Where in the world did that rumor come from?

Anonymous said...

They do deserve it but I'd be glad to give away a little over a million if someone would give me 200 million with no recourse!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It figures, someone ALWAYS has to look for something negative! Of course these people don't want to help improve anything, just complain, complain, complain.........10 years from now they will still be complaining, different issues, same complainers!!

Anonymous said...

Do the math....$200+ million earned $13 million in interest last year (the financials are on their site).
They are going to give away $10 million a year in grants.
So, in ten years, they will have given $100 million away...which is GREAT, don't get me wrong...but they will have earned $30 million in interest (at minimum) and never touched the original amount (just based on last year's income).
Not a bad proposition.

Anonymous said...

That's still not money that the remaining workforce will ever see.
The damage caused by lost disposable income that would be spent in Danville is immeasurable .
You can voodoo the math anyway you want the financial impact on the working class is huge. The grants will never be taxed and the corporation will find ways to decrease that amount through corporate "goodwill " and unusual and nonrecurring expenses (travelers too) 100 million in ten years is nothing compared to a nonprofit that contributed to betterment of the public willingly and generated income FOR the community to be spent IN the community. The DRMC that made 60+ million per year in profit and returned it back to the community is a far better resource Don't believe it? ask all of the non profit teaching facilities around us ALL of the benefits and NONE of the drawbacks of a nonlocal Corporate greedmonger. We lost our chance to ever be a TOP 100 in the US when we were sold out and lost our nonprofit DIRECT affiliation.
AND it's not negative it's the truth it's great that they have the money , it will help people but selling out the area to get it HORRIBLE....

Anonymous said...

Ok so tell us what we don't already know! Get over it already and lets get on with our lives and quit living in the past. Thats why we live in america, land of progress and land of the free. How long are we going to keep whining about the way it used to be,lets work with what we have and make a better future. Can't you be at all happy that the Clinic is getting some well needed help, I, personally know a lot of people that will benefit from it. And yes it is negative when the only positive comment is 5 words long at the end of the post.

Anonymous said...

"it's great that they have the money , it will help people..."
You obviously didn't read.

"land of progress and land of the free"
Do you watch the news and read the paper? Where do you live ? do you have any influence even in your immediate circle?
Narrow narrow minds.

Anonymous said...

"Can't you be at all happy that the Clinic is getting some well needed help,"

Yes, we are. That was the point of the original post, I believe.

"lets work with what we have"
I don't know if you realize all the baggage that sentence entails, my friend.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Thats really great for all of us that the Free Clinic is getting this money. It will allow services to be provided for those that can't afford insurance and I can't think of any thing better to do with the money. I don't want to be negative, but we should be glad there is this money coming back to the community, because I don't know how many gigantic 1 1/2 percent annual raises I can get til I'll be better off unemployeed rather than under paid.

But, I'm sure glad the Free Clinic got the money. That may be where I have to go for my medical care....there and the ER.

Anonymous said...

The Free Clinic well deserves the money. They should have gotten the $3 million that Chatham Baptist church was picked to control. A million would have been plenty for that. By the way How much did the Institute get?

Anonymous said...

A million should go a helluva longer way than hiring a couple folks and doing a strategic plan. Typical waste involved with small town grant programs. mm-mmm-mmmm

Anonymous said...

This is terrific... but they could do even so much more. Let's hope that they do (and not just give money to the Institute, which does nothing to better the community).

Anonymous said...

Ah yes "The Institute" one of danville's monuments to stupidity, and we could even add the "cyberpark" with the slogan -"Leading the way at being 20 years behind."