Tuesday, December 2, 2008

But, wait....I thought the Healthcare Leadership Council said that everything was hunky-dory at DRMC?

From the Nov 6 City Council minutes:

Former Mayor Sam Kushner appeared to ask City Council to get involved as a Committee of the Whole in order to find answers to concerns circulating about Danville Regional Medical Center (DRMC). Mr. Kushner said residents felt a great deal of insecurity due to the lack of transparency about the hospital’s business and it was felt the hospital had lost its heart and soul. He said citizens wanted to know wait times in the emergency room, how many doctors had relocated to other hospitals, and the nurse-to-patient ratio, among other concerns. He said these and other statistics were not available from LifePoint and said businesses seeking to relocate in our area would want to know about the hospital. He asked Council to communicate with the hospital administration and participate in conversation about what the facility is now doing and what it plans to do in the future.
DRMC Board Member Frank Campbell said he wished Mr. Kushner had come to him with his concerns. He said the board cared about DRMC and that it was unfair for Mr. Kushner to say the hospital had lost its heart and soul. Mr. Campbell advised the hospital was operating in the black, wait times in the Emergency Room had improved, and doctors had been hired to replace those that were lost. He invited Council Members to meet with the board and ask any questions it wished.
Dr. Miller said building up the public’s trust was important for the entire community and if the attitude of mistrust in the community was not changed, it would not matter how good the hospital was.
Mayor Saunders advised he and Interim City Manager Lacy had scheduled a meeting for Monday, November 10. He asked Council Members to submit questions for LifePoint to him or the City Clerk. He said would report to Council about the meeting. "

And from the Nov 18 City Council meeting minutes:
"Mayor Saunders advised that he and Mr. Lacy had a fruitful meeting with LifePoint on Monday and stated there would be another meeting with LifePoint officials. He encouraged Council Members who had not done so to provide questions for the hospital officials. "


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Anonymous said...

Not making a profit, using danville as a debit/credit to offset the other messes that they make.
The first sign of a failing facility is a layoff...
How many fiscally related layoffs now ? 4 or so ....yes
random firings of longterm employees at the top of the salary structure.... yes.
lifepoint failure ....yes

I do agree with the previous assessment of lifepoints mentality though they do subcribe to the " screw the community" mentality.

Anonymous said...

i read the posts concerning the OR "firing'with dread in my heart.As aformer employee with ties to the OR (i worked in another department),I had a sinking feeling because I thought I knew who the 'employee was.My fears were confirmed today and it makes me SICK!!!
She is the most devoted employee DRMC has ever had and what those "lpnt idiots" could have been thinking,I do not know!!!
I now know for sure that they don't THINK !!!
I have known alot of people who have left or been terminated but this one has really hit hard.
I hope I nor any of my family have to go to the OR for an emergency!!
What a big loss for DRMC and I hope some lucky hospital gets the pleasure of having this fine young lady as an employee
GUESS SHE SHOWED UP THE POWERS TO BE!!!She is worth ten of them any day!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you really mean "so f the community?"

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they did because that's lifepoint's operational code not that "quality healthcare close to home crap" Coincidentally that phrase is about as useful as some of the useless slogans that Danville has spent millions on.
The so-called leadership (O's) of that place wouldn't know what healthcare was if someone dropped them in the center of a real hospital like Duke,UVA,or Wake Forest.

Anonymous said...

F the community means the attitude of Lifepoint. DRMC is an asset and the people in town are just commodities to be traded for a profit. Doesn't matter what the local town thinks, just make money.

Anonymous said...

You mean " doesn't matter whether or not the local townspeople die or not, just make money."

Anonymous said...

So...exactly how many locals have died?

Anonymous said...

You would have to search the medical records since they took over and that's not gonna happen, but working there before/since the switch until i wised up...they jeopardize lives daily with low, substandard staffing and notably send patients home without tests that are" fine" only to end up in the papers obituary with something "missed".

The attempt at redirection with an unanswerable question is pitifully misdirected.

Ask the RNs oh wait you can't they are all being fired or "laid off"...

Anonymous said...

all of them?

Anonymous said...

Special to the Register & Bee
Published: April 5, 2009

In a surprise reception Wednesday afternoon at Memorial Hospital in Martinsville, Peggy Tunnell found out she had been awarded the 2009 Memorial Hospital Mercy Award.

Tunnell, a Martinsville resident, is the mother of Danville resident John Tunnell and is originally from Danville. Another son, Andrew, lives in South Carolina.

Martha Holland, director of critical care at Memorial Hospital, said it’s impossible to tell anyone how many different hats Tunnell wears.

“She’s involved in all aspects of the hospital care,” Holland said Wednesday. “She’s here until 7:30 or 8 every night and works at least one day every weekend.”

Tunnell serves as the risk manager and the director of psychiatric services at Memorial Hospital. Her job as risk manager is to oversee the quality of care all patients receive. As director of psychiatric services, she is an advocate for the mentally ill, both within the hospital and in the many community groups in which she serves, facilitating mental health care services for area patients.

“Peggy also does a lot of counseling and is always willing to help the staff with their emotional disturbances,” Holland said. “When we have very difficult cases in the ICU, I get Peggy in to do counseling with the staff.

“I don’t know how to describe her. At one time, we didn’t have a chief nursing officer, and Peggy was acting CNP for about three months. When the new one came in, she couldn’t believe all that Peggy had gotten done.”

Tunnell also volunteers at New Life Community Church as a facilitator of the DC4K program, which provides counseling for children dealing with the divorce of their parents. Holland said she also helps care for her mother, who is in a nursing home in Danville.

“LifePoint Hospitals is committed to delivering the highest quality patient care possible,” Joseph Roach, CEO, said in a news release. “Her exemplary work and compassion set a high standard for health care professionals. We are proud to have her as part of our employee family. Undoubtedly, our patients benefit from the kind of commitment to excellence and to humanitarian concerns that she demonstrates each day.”

Having earned the Memorial Hospital award, Tunnell is a candidate for LifePoint Hospitals’ 2009 company-wide Mercy Award. The company-wide winner will be honored at a ceremony during LifePoint’s Senior Leadership Retreat in Washington, D.C., in June.

The Mercy Award was established in 2002 to honor the life of Scott Mercy, founding chairman and CEO of LifePoint Hospitals, Inc., according to the news release. Memorial Hospital is owned by LifePoint. The annual award is the highest honor an employee can receive and recognizes the hospital employee who “best represents the spirit and values on which the company was founded,” the release stated.

So who is the DRMC Mercy Award winner?

Anonymous said...

I am sure one of the O's !

Anonymous said...

Wonder how long it will be until this lady loses her job because she is "out shining"the lpnt "O's"?

Anonymous said...

Lose her job?
Martinsville is not , I repeat, NOT, Danville.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for that.

Anonymous said...

yeah....thank god...meaning those of us in Martinsville are soooo thankful.

Anonymous said...

Joan Yeatts, Director of Environmental Services was named the Mercy Award winner for Danville Regional at a special presentation today. Twenty-four associates were nominated by their peers. Joan is most deserving of this award.

Anonymous said...

OH my gosh...could it be? a post that actually doesn't complain about a decision made within DRMC. Hats off to Joan and the poster!!

Anonymous said...

Martinsville's a real hospital haha thats a joke...

Anonymous said...

So tell me oh wise ones.... how does one obtain good quality help when the obvious negativity regarding drmc would stop anyone dead in their tracks from even thinking about working there.
You can't have it both ways people. Can't get quality when you bash everything about the place.
Becomes a self fufilling prophecy.
Oh and lets not forget....there are always 2 sides to every story. Unfortunately we never hear the other side.
So predictable, oh and congratulations Joan, lets see how many bloggers will have something nice to say! I'm betting not many,!!

Anonymous said...

I worked at DRMC for 14 years in a senior leadership position. I worked with Joan Yeatts. I am happy for her and very proud she was selected. Congratulations Joan!

Anonymous said...

Special to the Register & Bee
Published: April 8, 2009

Excited staff members gathered in the main lobby of Danville Regional Medical Center Wednesday morning to hear which one of their friends and associates was to be awarded the 2009 Mercy Award.

And the winner was . . . Joan Yeatts, the director of environmental services.

In introducing the award, CEO Jerel Humphrey explained that the Mercy Award “recognizes one employee who best exemplifies the spirit and values upon which LifePoint was founded” and “is the highest honor a LifePoint Hospitals’ employee can receive.”

The award is named after Scott Mercy, the founding chairman and first CEO of LifePoint Hospitals, Danville Regional’s parent company.

Twenty-four people were nominated for the award. In the end, though, the 19 co-workers of Yeatts, who had nominated her, convinced the selectors that Yeatts best exhibited the spirit of caring and concern the award honors.

In the letter of nomination, Yeatts was described as “light(ing) up a room with her vivacious demeanor and positive attitude” and being “never too busy to listen to our problems, lend a helping hand or provide emotional support.”

One of Yeatts’ hobbies is making wreaths and, according to the nomination, she has made floral arrangements as fundraisers for schools, the American Cancer Association, the American Heart Association, Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross, the hospital’s Child Care Center, the Social Services Department, the Salvation Army and Toys for Tots.

Yeatts’ boss, Eric Barber, chief operating officer, related a story from the nomination letter in which a woman saw Yeatts carrying a wreath she had made to a pharmacy associate who had returned to work after a bout with cancer.

The woman said she wished she had such a wreath for her terminally ill sister, who was a patient in the hospital.

“Joan went home that night and made a wreath for the patient, and the following day, Joan went to visit the patient and gave her the wreath,” Barber related.

Yeatts has also organized a Salvation Army Angel Tree that provided toys and clothing for 65 children, a yard sale to raise money for an associate whose husband had a massive heart attack and a team in support of Habitat for Humanity.

She also designed a multi-purpose storage bag for the environmental services carts to increase productivity and new cubicle curtains to reduce the danger of having to climb on a ladder to change the heavy curtains, according to the nomination letter.

Yeatts received a check for $500, a certificate and flowers for the award. A plaque in her honor will be displayed in the front lobby.

After receiving the award, Yeatts said that she felt “very humble” since the staff she had worked with for 39 years had nominated her.

“I would like to dedicate this award in the memory of my father, Ryland Oakes Jr.,” she said. “He was a good example of doing for others.”

Humphrey said, “She’s a rock, who has exemplified the heart and soul of what we’re all about. I wish I had 1,000 like her.

“We couldn’t have selected a better recipient for this award.”

Way to go Joan!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Joan, way to go!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't believe everything you hear and read about DRMC. There are hundreds and hundreds of people working there who enjoy their jobs and care about the patients they serve. There are many caring associates, like Joan Yeatts, who work overtime to show our community that good things happen and good people work at our hospital.

Anonymous said...

Funny one of the first things lifepoint did was fire all of the senior more experienced staff in those positions in danville, I guess if you keep quiet and do as lifepoint demands you get a pittance...

Anonymous said...

LIfepoint does not care....Period. There are many employees that carried over from the DRMC days that are dedicated and good. As far as the Martinsville location, fortunately the CEO there is competent. It is a pure shame Humphreys is not, nor will he ever be.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest...the minute that the competent CEO of Martinsville becomes CEO at DRMC, he'll have an unusual transformation into the most stupid, non-trustworthy slimeball on the face of the earth. Now explain that. Ooops, that's just the trend of opinions shared here.
And wait a minute...did you just ADMIT that there are competent CEO's within the LifePoint ranks? Careful...you let your guard down for a second there.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, was that pharmacy associate referred to one of the 2 terminated last week after over 25 years at drmc?

Anonymous said...

"he'll have an unusual transformation into the most stupid, non-trustworthy "

Probably already is... you see lifepoint tried to back DRMC up about 7-10 years to be "equivalent" to Martinsville,DRMCs computer medication administration system was so far ahead of martinsville that the "improvements" they wanted to make to DRMC put danville back YEARS.
Of course when lifepoint took over they removed the computer system that afforded DRMC a GAO Governmental award for efficiency, and it was a great, FAST, efficient system. They system lifepoint brought in was, and is, so old, that hospitals much smaller got rid of it years ago.
It was so bad a few units even went back to paper!
And then after lifepoint got publicity for getting the original excellent working system contracted to be reinstalled they dropped the contract.
So it's relative if you were behind already anything is an improvement, DRMC WAS ahead .....until lifepoint.
The point is, lifepoint is a LIE, EVERYHING they say and do has an alternate goal and it is NOT for the good of healthcare and the community it's for their "O's" pocket.

Anonymous said...

Point proven...

Anonymous said...

Know the history of Lifepoint and the you'll know the long post above the ignorant that wrote "point proven" is 100 %correct.

Anonymous said...

and the beat goes on.........

Anonymous said...

We started the last few posts by congratulating Joan Yeatts and then, quickly, the posts evolved into additional bashing of LifePoint! Can't we spend some amount of time on something positive. Again, congratulations Joan!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is really tough to post something positive as far as Lifepoint is concerned. They are not concerned at all with the safety and comfort of patients, don't care about the employees of which some are great, and the dangerous part is they don't care if we know they don't care.

Anonymous said...

And Humphreys today trying blow more smoke up our rears...
The med students they are bragging about....well they were there for years before lifepoint, still trying to take credit for things DRMC did.
lifepoint really has NO CLUE. And they have NO concern for anyones health AT ALL.

Anonymous said...

Again....congratulations Joan. Your honor os still an honor despite the negativity among posts. Thanks so much for what you do!!!

Anonymous said...

I work at DRMC, and have to say good riddance to some of the managers and other staff that have been let go. They were not all that good as some people go on and on about. Its probably these people who are on this blog complaining. Sour grapes!
I say good job to administration for trying to weed out these bad seeds! Have news for these past employees.....get a life, you might have to work a little harder and be a little nicer to those around you. Just because you have been there for a long time doesn't automatically give you superiority and a sense of "entitlement" over everyone you work with.
Who wants to work with someone who gripes and complains from the second they walk in the door to the end of the day!! Blah blah blah, complain, complain, complain.
Geez they must be exhausted thinking of how miserable their lives are. Takes more energy to be pleasant.
People like Joan and a few other managers are a pleasure to work with. They make everyone around them feel good.
Ok, so lets hear the bashers start criticizing me because I am not writing what they want to hear!!

Anonymous said...

Well, before they have the chance, let me jump in and say "Kudos to you!" for having the wherewithall to stand up and deliver that post.
Thanks for teh breath of fresh air!

Anonymous said...

I agree with that post except for "I say good job to administration for trying to weed out these bad seeds"

Hard for an incompetent administration to weed out anything as they have no standards to use as a measurement.
Otherwise i agree.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps not as incompetent as we thought...

Anonymous said...

keep your eyes open....there;s a couple more management changes coming.....one director leaving of her own accord, yet is a needed change....one , again is needed, but it will not be on her terms.........Fresh air at last!

Anonymous said...

Is it really true that a patient fell off the operating room table last weekend?

Anonymous said...

Guess they should have kept the experienced O.R. nurse

Anonymous said...

So funny...there can never be more than two posts in a row of decency before this crap. What a waste of posting space. seriously...why not start your own blog?

Anonymous said...

lifepoint's motto :get rid of anyone who makes a decent wage and/or has enough experience to allow them to know just exactly how misguided and ignorant lifepoint is , It is a poor company born of another poor company started by corruption. for profit hospitals are the equivalent to City run for profit police,fire, and (Primary, not convalescent)rescue. Thank God they don't exist. There is a reason for-profit hospitals are generally poor facilities- too many non-service producing people "O's" drawing from the pot created by the people that actually do the work. The reason EVERY facility around us is prospering while danville falters ?
Real College affiliations (not the pseudo-Duke affiliation) and NON-profit status.

Anonymous said...

Well there ya go, Gomer....Gaaawwwllleeeeee.

Anonymous said...

You mean screwed up, ripped off city under gwwwaaaaltney, well.... screwed county now.
Seems that Centra is opening a referral office beside one of the Primecare offices....Hmmm guess since our best neurosurgeon went there and they are a top 100 heart and safety hospital in the US, those visits can be referred on down the road to a REAL hospital.
Lynchburg's facility has been steadily recruiting and gobbling up customers/employees who know the health threat in danville.
Actually every facility within 100 mile radius is prospering since lifepoint took over...
Could be the bell tolling for the substandard joke of a facility known as deathpoi....I mean lifepoint.
Maybe a top-ranked hospital can clean up this horrible mess...if only soon.

Anonymous said...

last on here turn out the light...

Anonymous said...

last one leaving lifepoint do the same...

Anonymous said...

By Published by The Editorial Board

Published: April 15, 2009

To the editor:

It has been my extreme pleasure to serve as a physician at Danville Regional Medical Center since 1986. I have trusted that if my family, patients or I were in need of local neurosurgical services, these services would be available. Dr. Joel Singer and his staff have been a great asset to our community and hospital for many years. When my personal need for acute neurosurgical services was realized, Dr. Singer’s services were not available at Danville Regional.

Thankfully, LifePoint Hospital Inc.’s hospital in Martinsville retained Dr. Singer, this area’s longest associated neurosurgeon.

I thank you, Dr. Singer, your staff and the staff of the Martinsville hospital in my time of need for your efficient and excellent medical and surgical services. Wake up, Danville Regional Medical Center,
Danville and LifePoint. Maintaining critical patient care for our region assures physician retention, recruitment and overall viability of patient care in Danville and Pittsylvania County.

Mount Cross

Anonymous said...

Thankfully there was a qualified Neurosurgeon nearby, not a thrice fired washup brought in by Lifepoint to continue the illusion of a "medical center" in Danville. Glad Rick was taken care of, but should have been in the hospital he helped guide to true "medical center" status, not the for profit assembly line it has become.

Anonymous said...

Gifted neurosurgeon. Too bad about the multiple documented incidents of lewd and abusive behavior towards both staff and patients caused his termination at DRMC, despite a number of "second chances."

There are two sides to every story.....

Anonymous said...

I've witnessed that behavior...good surgeon, horrible to deal with as an RN.
But ...not nearly as terrible to deal with as the inadequate staffing and minimalist environment created by lifepoint, a poor ridiculous excuse for a "hospital" corporation...NEVER ever work for a for-profit hospital !

Anonymous said...

So here's what I see...even when the organization takes the appropriate steps to get rid of a physician with abhorrently disruptive behavior, they still are seen as the bad guy. Hard to follow the logic of any of this.

Anonymous said...

I guess the point is the lack of availability of qualified physicians in a hospital that three years ago would have given Duke or UNC a run for its money. Now it is just a shadow of itself and has a corporate focus, not a patient oriented approach. Sorry to have to drive down the road..

Anonymous said...

Every Non profit teaching hospital within 2.5 hours is waypointed in our and our friends and families GPSs Maybe one day danville will learn but with the self-proclaimed "leaders" it won't happen until after their reign, or if they have followers it will perpetuate and danville will remain the hole it has become.
Just as the state of the hospital as one of the few technological bright spots in danville is gone thanks to greed and ignorance.
They were right to enforce workplace harassment laws, but all they did was change the geography and without having a backup plan, jeopardized lives...as usual.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Neurosurgeon was crude and did not behave professionally sometimes and yes he was an a## to nurses most of the time. However...ANYONE that has ever been in the operating room with him knows that he was strictly business!!! If that meant coming across as an a-hole then so be it..it was for the safety of his patients! I had the PLEASURE of working with Dr.Singer in the OR for 10 years @ DRMC. When he was made to leave it was less than 24 hours later that the neurosurgical instruments and equiptment was packed up and sent to Martinsville. EVERY ITEM!!! Life Point had and has no intentions of neurosurgery @ DRMC. Yes, there was a new neurosurgeon that came and accepted but where is he? That was months ago?!

Say what you want about Dr.Singer but he was and is an excellent surgeon! If anyone ever had the chance to really see him in action you would know what a loss it was for him to go!

Anonymous said...

Good surgeon or not, a man hat behaved in his manner was rightfully dismissed. Only too many years later.
Despite the number of times he was suspended,sent to counseling, etc, his behavior never really changed.
Had you been on the receiving end of his sexual misconduct, most likely you would feel differently.

Anonymous said...

Amen. No matter how brilliant or gifted a surgeon, professional athelete, actor, musician or politician an individual is, that God-given talent does not excuse the kind of behavior Dr. Singer exhibited towards staff and patients.

If there is any valid criticism of the DRMC administration, it should be that they tolerated his behavior way too long and gave him way too many chances before acting properly and decisively.

And I know many of you don't want to hear this part, either, but the problem of "looking the other way" in dealing with Dr. Singer's behavior predated Lifepoint's arrival by many years.

Even if you hate Lifepoint and want to be critical of everything they do simply because they are the ones doing it, you have to give credit to the current administration for dealing with problem and doing the right thing in this particular case.

Anonymous said...

DR. Singer was a pussy cat compared to Dr.Cohen and they let him rant and management thought it was funny.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Cohen was present pre-Lifepoint, correct?
Could it be that not EVERYTHING has hunky-dory before the hospital was sold...

Anonymous said...

The level of care and the safe staffing levels were certainly better...now DANGEROUS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Dr. Cohen was present pre-Lifepoint, correct?
Could it be that not EVERYTHING has hunky-dory before the hospital was sold..."

oohhhhh...is that the choir of the voices of reason starting to have a presence on this blog? Hallelujah!!

Anonymous said...

Yes,, not everything was "hunky dory". Perhaps better kept out of view/limelight.
However, having worked in administration there for a number of years, what would I know.

Anonymous said...

At least patient safety and safe staffing levels existed pre-lifepoint oh and did I mention that there were neurosurgeons and a multitude of other fine experienced doctors here. Now patient safety is an afterthought oh and if you have a stroke or head injury pray that you survive the flight to UVA because no one is here to help you and the floors are dangerously understaffed. At least if you make it to UVA etAl you'll be at a real hospital. There's your voice of REALITY

Anonymous said...

let me set the record straight, Dr. singer was a pussycat next to cohen!! Those who encountered Dr. Singer, Loved him or Hated him!!!
I worked with Dr. Singer for many years. I observed the "nurses" who "played around" (jokingly) with him..As a result, not one but others complained about his "behavior". Costing DRMC a lack of a brilliant neurosugeon. Not to mention, the $$$$ he brought to the hospital!! All I can say is that I left before this happened thank goodness!!!!!!!
Good Luck in finding a neuro. sx. who would not operate on a 90 year old who had no quality of life to begin with, just to obtain $$ from medicare to "line his pocket" as well as DRMC!!!

Anonymous said...

If you left already, why bother to come back to this blog to post? I'm sure you're as much a drain on someone else's payroll as you were DRMC. Those of us that are still here don't need to hear your negative drivel.

Anonymous said...

That poster "that left DRMC " is partially right. Just because you're obviously too ignorant to realize the damage done by so-called "health provider"(lifepoint's snake oil) does not give cause to berate ones professionalism.

A great many MDs and RNs and others left because of the substandard treatment staffing and lack of key providers the scary thing is, is that are really the "drain on payroll" foolish enough to think you can provide top-notch care with limited or no staff and missing specialties, staffing low enough to raise your pt. count and overtime while risking others lives, Bravo !
Make your blood money, just pray that you don't get a head injury carrying all that pompous around 'cause there is NO one here to treat it, ICU is tripled and the floors are understaffed.

Anonymous said...

"don't need to hear your negative drivel."

The real truth (negative about lifepoint stings doesn't it...

Anonymous said...

Actually, the truthful negative doesn't hurt at all. Lifepoint has some very serious shortcomings as a company and a poor business model. The senior leadership at corporate headquarters clearly does not understant that if you provide services at the lowest possible cost without regard to quality, eventually customers will catch on and go elsewhere. They erroneously presume that people in Danville have no choice of provider, and will continue to come to DRMC no matter how poor the care or how long the wait in the ER. Time is proving them wrong.

The statements about inadequate staffing are pretty accurate. It's all the non-factual, unfair, inappropriate and acerbic criticism (like the Singer termination) that taint this Blog and destroy the credibilty of those who post such comments.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the immediate post above. Especially the last paragraph... That's real credibility if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Come, hear the echoes in the hallways....another patient care unit closed - 5A.

Anonymous said...

That's Cardiac Telemetry right? How do you close freakin' telemetry in a hospital?

Anonymous said...

You can do it 'cause lifepoint isn't a hospital...

Anonymous said...

6A is telemetry. 5A is a general medical floor, and it was combined with 6A. Sadly, all the private rooms were converted back to double occupancy. It's a zoo - messy, crowded, noisy and chaotic. Sadly, the administration doesn't care about the patients' comfort or how unpleasant their experience is while in the hospital. They are being hammered by corporate to reduce expenses and thus wanted to cut staff as much as possible during a low census. Yuck. I feel sorry for the patients. Administration gets a D minus on this one.

Anonymous said...

Management of lifepoint a joke ? No kidding
Not concerned about pt comfort?
Nooooo really?
And wait... low census at a lifepoint facility? Get out...I guess the word is out.
Thanks for confirming how pathetic Lifepoint is.
Wonder how long it'll take to close it once the Centra referral office opens next to Primecare East, Lynchburg here we come and can we interest you in a former hospital at a cheap price since you're in the top 100 (nonprofit) hospitals in the U.S and you're actually opening more services... ?

Anonymous said...

all this and the employee satisfaction survey starts on monday........great timing!!
this is rich let me tell you.

sell? well,that's not gonna happen. ...downsize, yes

Anonymous said...

No sale? That's fine there are several OUSTANDING real hospitals more than happy to provide excellent SAFE care no more than a 20 min Helicopter ride away

Anonymous said...

since when did all these Danvillians buy helicopters to get around? Doesn't make much sense.

Anonymous said...

Air transports that "real" hospitals have NOT private helicopters ....DUH.

Anonymous said...

OMG the above post is correct....
lifepoint flew a GSW to the right arm (that was non life threatening) to another hospital !! Lifepoint Are you kidding me ? We cant even take care of simple stuff anymore?
Or was the patient smart enough to request a transfer?

Anonymous said...

The most obvious reason for this is that there was no specialist available to care for the injury, not because the hospital lacked facilities. Good chance there was a nerve or vascular injury, and there is no hand surgeon, neurosurgeon, or vascular surgeon in Danville.

Anonymous said...

No specialist to care for a GSW to the arm? C'mon now, if Lifepoint can not provide this service how can you call it a hospital. It has become a rest home with poor attitudes for service. The few good folks left are far outnumbered by imcompetent idiots and clueless administrative folks. Maybe they are not top-notch, but even Eden and Reidsville can offer services that DRMC no longer has. As far as getting competent physicians here, forget it, they don't want their reputation tarnished by associating with a substandard institution.

Anonymous said...

Exactly,we don't call it a hospital we call it lifepoint, deathpoint, knifepoint , screwedpoint, lamepoint,jokepoint, and a few other "points" not suitable for print. Before I and the rest of the RNs on my floor left we took care of GSW and worse all the time and they did well, such a shame what the incompetent idiots of lifepoint have done to a once competent and admired facility...
I guess when they finally fire or lay everyone off, or the state closes it, or the idiots figure out that they bought a hospital that the sellers didn't own, or they can't keep up the "O"s bonuses they'll have to give it up....oh it only it were today.

Anonymous said...

Once again, if you've left already, STAY OFF THIS BLOG. No room for you here. If you want the right to whine, coma back and put your time in.

Anonymous said...

I put my time in working during the "changeover" still live in Danville , family and friends lives still in jeopardy every day.
I have the morals and scruples to not work for a corporation that endangers lives. Stating the obvious fact that YOUR EMPLOYER IS RISKING LIVES is not whining , it's not nearly as big a travesty as blowing happy sunshine up everyones rear when the entire immediate area and U.S. knows lifepoint is deficient and incapable. The fact that you risk your professional carrer and patients lives by working there is astounding...

Anonymous said...

The fact that your mentality exists today is even more astounding. I do a good job every day, treat my co-workers and patients with respect and follow all the medical orders I get from the physicians I work for.
Get off your horse about the company...its about us that work here every day. Come to the 21st century...it's waiting on you.

Anonymous said...

Corporate mentalities like yours are the reason healthcare is in the dumps. The 21st century is the same as 20th and every other century in one very important respect , when you wrote " its about us that work here every day"

Sorry but it's not you. It IS about the patients and only about the patients, the patients that your employer jeopardizes every day.

Anonymous said...

Well stated the hospital should be for the well being of the people in area not for the people that work there. An above poster said if you no longer work at the hospital you should not be on here. I remind them the the person that set up this blog and over sees it no longer works for hospital. I also think this blog is for everone to share information good and bad thats called freedom of speech.
I want danville to move forward and become a great city. To do that we must have good increasing population , good jobs and be atractive for more Companies, and good health care expanding. If these are in place we will grow. We do have some good people but we need more. Jobs could be better but we need a larger educated personal base to bring in more. Health care services are srinking with our hospital able to do less and less. If area leaders cant get it done we vote them out and give others a chance. If the hospital can not meet out needs I think they should go and give someone else a chance.

Anonymous said...

Why sell something that makes money?? Lifepoint does not care about the community, only the bottom line. They would only sell if they could get a profit but since they probably overpaid, that won't happen. Deal with what is.

Anonymous said...

Nice little Chamber speech. If you'd stop and read deeper, I did infact mention patients first. You just chose to read what you wanted and ignore the rest. How very Danvillian. I mention respect and clinical goodness and then you go and twist it. So glad you're not with us anymore. Maybe you should venture out, start your own company and feed the growth you say can happen. Ooopss....I'd assume you'd want to show a profit if you owned the company.

Anonymous said...

I would offer a suggestion to all who write here: let's try a little civility. There is nothing to be gained by haranguing each other.

First of all, all of us want a good hospital in Danville, remember that.

While we may passionately disagree on the correctness of the sale of the hospital, for-profit hospitals in general, Lifepoint as a company and what should be done to improve things, remember what we have in common.

I would throw out one more idea: DRMC would be in trouble even if it hadn't been sold to LPNT. The economic devastation that the Dan River region has suffered due to the evaporation of the textile and furniture industries and decline in tobacco are very much at the core of the problem. It may be impossible to run a hospital (for-profit OR non-profit) in any community that has a 12% unemployment rate and even during the height of the US economic boom still had an unemployment rate of over 6%.

Hospitals in Lynchburg and Greensboro have fared better and had an easier time in some part because the economic base in those communities is much stronger than Danville.

Anonymous said...

For those that think non-employees should not blog here, get a life. Everyone employed by or living in the area of DRMC is affected by this non-competence of senior management and the shortage of qualified caregivers. Unfortunately, we do need to find another outlet if we are to accomplish anything. LIFEPOINT MUST GO, HUMPHREYS MUST GO, and the poster that doesn't want non-employees to post here must go.

Anonymous said...

"LIFEPOINT MUST GO, HUMPHREYS MUST GO, and the poster that doesn't want non-employees to post here must go."

Well, I guess my plea for civility fell on deaf ears.....

Anonymous said...

Civility was lost when a non-civic minded corporation destroyed the building formerly known as a hospital, also, it's alot easier to weather a financial storm when you're not supplying millionaires with bonuses DRMC had no such , lifepoint is fat with them.

"To hell with the people as long as we the O's get a bonus..."

Anonymous said...

Been in the "hospital" lately ?
The RN:patient ratio just gets worse and worse...Pretty soon the less sick patients will be caring for the more sick patients...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the ratio we should worry about is of the intelligent posts to the nonsense above.

Anonymous said...

The ratio is no laughing matter as it is tied directly by Governmental and nationwide collegiate/ hospital research to patient mortality.
14-20 % increase in death rate for each patient with the addition of each new patient (ie critical care type units for each patient over 2 for each RN increases every patients mortality risk by 15%.
Floors can be as high as 30% over 5 patients per RN.) And no I'm not gonna do your homework look thru any peer reviewed database Pubmed etc...

Anonymous said...

More lay offs happening now.

Anonymous said...

Any certain area(s)?

Anonymous said...

Any certain area(s)?

Anonymous said...

One in biomed that will put them down to only two people with experience. I was down there the other day and they had stuff all over the place. Seems they are under staffed as it is and they will have even less now. Several secretarys are on the way out too. No nurses as of yet seems to be support staff.

Anonymous said...

Which means the nurses (and others) will have to do their job and another along with it thus leading to inefficiency, thus leading to reduced service, leading to even worse patient care, ahh the stupidity of lifepoint continues....

Anonymous said...

Two in the pharmacy were let go a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

This whole site sounds like nanny-nanny-boo-boo. Gimme a break.

Anonymous said...

You remember that comment when you need the hospital and no one is there but the money hungry O's and corporate leeches.

Anonymous said...

keep your eyes open....there;s a couple more management changes coming.....one director leaving of her own accord, yet is a needed change....one , again is needed, but it will not be on her terms.........Fresh air at last!

April 15, 2009 7:04:00 AM EST

as predicted......the director AND clinical mgr of CCU & 6A are G-O-N-E ! The W&C director stepped down a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

I'd remember that comment when you want a job and no one wants to hire you.

Anonymous said...

"no one is there but the money hungry O's and corporate leeches"

Anonymous said...

"the director AND clinical mgr of CCU & 6A are G-O-N-E "


Anonymous said...

As this place keeps going down, their value goes down proportionately. I think that eventually a better quality organization will move in and purchase this place. Duke? Carillion? Just an unprofessional opinion and a little wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

ya know you're right , Since lifepoint is to stupid to realize that the EMPLOYEES provide the service that generates the money, the sooner the place deteriorates to nothing the better.I say fire everyone then lets see how many patients the "O"s can care for , oh wait they're not qualified and pretty much no one will come here except 1st year MDs looking for a quick school loan repayment...
Come on Carilion !

Anonymous said...

Now that the teelemetry and cardiac director is gone could someone work on holding the door open for that woman thats running 2a-4a in the ground.

Anonymous said...

At this point, the only reason another regional competing hospital would purchase DRMC is to shut it down. Put in other words, Moses Cone or Duke would only pay as much for DRMC as the could recoup in patients coming to their facility.

Anonymous said...

thank goodness they are finally weeding out the bad seeds. Don't make some of these employees into saints, they surely are not!!

Anonymous said...

Now wait a minute...you can't be serious...they're actually doing something right? Say it ain't so!

Anonymous said...

"running 2a-4a in the ground"

You'd be lucky to have half of her ability.
What's wrong is she asking for your skills to be at an acceptable level ?

Anonymous said...

Fact: a good ER nurse was fired yesterday for "not following policy" but a DRMC manager that violates HIPAA regulations and does not follow policy is still on the job!
things that make you go "ummm?"

Anonymous said...

now lifepoint is moving their staff to capella, guess who is next.

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