Monday, October 6, 2008

A couple of recent headlines


Anonymous said...

Bottom line, if it cost Lifepoint, kiss it goodbye. They don't care about the patients, services, or their reputation; just profits. I realize this is a for-profit business, but any business that wants to survive must deliver a service that is needed/wanted. DRMC services are rapidly going the wayside and it will get worse. Upper management is seriously lacking the proper skills to get it done properly.

Anonymous said...

An economically depressed area such as Danville cannot support the money hungry thieves of a corporation such as lifepoint.This is the main reason the sale was a fundamentally BAD idea, hence the destruction of Dr Hale,Sharp, ENT, Surgeries down to only a dozen or so a day and census down to 60-100 instead of 250-300.
But the 5 wouldn't listen , guess they skipped that day in Business/Accounting school.

All indigent and "community services" are either gone or will be, lifepoint creating their own "golden parachute" at the expense of others lives.

Anonymous said...

more to come
Word is Dr Grogoriev is being forced out cause he wont admit more people even if they dont need to be admited
Pain clinic is closing Dr Fraiseld is canceling his suregy cause the hospital wont help them out and he cant do it without help. Dont know were my papy will go now.

Anonymous said...

Also hear Occ Health is done by years end and Family Medical along with it.
Amazing how DRMC was able to pull all of this off with profits to spare, since LFPT though....well you know the rest of the story. Where are all the cheerleaders now?
Where are the Fab 5?

Anonymous said...

Let's see if the other physicians will help pick up the slack and begin taking Medicaid patients again. Hope so. We need their help.

Anonymous said...

Didn't happen to me personally, but the story going around the neighborhood is that a local man with a prior heart history was taken to the ED by ambulance suffering from severe chest pains. Was moved to the waiting area for 4hours. Then it took a hissy fit by the wife to even get treatment after 4 hours. Turned out during the 4 hours he was experiencing a major heart attack.

And the story goes on.....

Anonymous said...

That's happened alot since lifepoint took over , I've been the critical care RN receiving a pt like that, after them having to wait and all of the damage, they came to crit care instead of telemetry.

classic lifepoint : "sub-standard healthcare close to home"

Anonymous said...

we are no longer a "Regional Hospital", we are now a "small city hospital"

Anonymous said...

The faster it becomes a branch of a NON-profit medical system the better.

Anonymous said...

For profit hospitals are rarely, if ever, converted back to non-profit status. It is very unlikely that Moses Cone, Centra, Carillion or Duke will buy DRMC.

Anonymous said...

Not unlikely in this case, probable. Cone has recently inquired.

Anonymous said...

The Cone rumor surfaces again and again and again.But it is like any other fantasy, we recall them as we need them to make our reality "better".

Anonymous said...

Not a rumor , I was there too.
Oh and the reality... lifepoint is absolutely disgraceful and pathetic as are those that don't speak out openly against it.

Anonymous said...

Pretty much a dead site anymore. Does this thing still serve any purpose? Seems that without any controversial postings, everyine just clams up.

Anonymous said...

Just waiting for the next shoe to drop.....

They may have realized the damage of what they have done and are waiting for the dust to settle for the next round of idiocy.

Word has it more closures and more layoffs by first of the year. The blog will become relevant again then.

Anonymous said...

We already know that Lifepoint is full of idiots at the senior level. No leadership qualities, no compassion for patients or staff, so until something new happens there is not much to say that hasn't already been heard. And for the record, Humphries still sucks.

Anonymous said...

The whole corporation sucks.
Kushners article was dead on.

Anonymous said...

The Kushner article hit the nail on the head. Our community leaders need to push for action as Lifepoint will never take any. Jeral Humphries still ignores complaints in hopes they will go away and was recently cited by the state for this. For those who have not read the Kushner article; here is the link

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kushner needs to be commended for his article in the Sunday Register & Bee. His were words of wisdom and fact. It would be nice if the upper management at DRMC would read his words and learn from his wisdom.

Anonymous said...

The powers in control at DRMC will not heed anything in this article - they repeat the same mistakes time and time again because they are not capable of learning. Honestly, I don't think they even care about improving the situation in Danville.

Anonymous said...

Of course they don't , as long as they can bleed money from people who have no other options or recourse, and operate in a spineless city, they will continue to be a cancer to danville.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have particulars on the 3 million dollar lawsuit against DRMC. Sounds like they really screwed up in the ER this time. 11 hours and not seen. What's with this. Did he go there because he believed the hospitals' desparate ads (lies)?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I hope this Scruggs case wakes up our city council and the people of Danville. Substandard care is the norm, patient wellbeing is non-existent. We need Lifepoint and their executive cronies to GO AWAY. Sell the hospital to someone who can bring back quality care.

Anonymous said...

Ok those who didn't believe ...those of us who work(ed) there told you over and over and over........

Anonymous said...

Todays Register and Bee has a great article on the Scruggs case. It even names the nurse that failed to assess him properly. As usual, DRMC won't comment. The guilty never does!!! DRMC/Lifepoint tried to get the case thrown out based on a poor interpretation of the EMTALA because they have no defense against the treatment (lack of) of Mr. Scruggs. I emailed a link to this article to Fox news, CNN, ABC news, and CBS news. Now let's watch Lifepoint/Jess Judy/Jeral Humphries squirm.

Anonymous said...

In response to Dr. Honea's letter to the editor in todays Register & Bee, it wasn't that all of the Internist in town wanted to impliment a hospistalist program it was Dr. Caplan (who happened to be on the board that sold DRMC to LifePoint) who started this. Remember the big article in the paper? The others stopped admitting because of LifePoint's practices.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Honea said he would be admitted to DRMC if he were a heart patient. I understand his confidence in the outstanding heart surgeon we have, but do you really want to trust DRMC's care after the surgery. That is when the "I don't give a darn" attitude steps in. Maybe, you know that as a physician you will get preferential treatment. I have seen first-hand how bad things get there. Also found out that they don't respond to the issues.

Anonymous said... RN triage nurse makes the decision and you automatically assume she joined the organization after the purchase. If I've learned onething about Danvillians, its that we just don't like to do anything that even remotely sounds like acceptimg responsibility.

Anonymous said...

the assumption is valid, so many RNs left DRMC after the sale, odds on favorite is they'd be correct.
Chances are the RN did start for lifepoint even so an overloaded nurse will make mistakes.
As for the care after the CABG: that ICU is tops , or at least it was , until lifepoint ran off-the original top-notch director and made completely unsafe assignments to the RNs. 3-1 in ICU IS NOT SAFE.

Anonymous said...

The formerly world class pain clinic is closing, mismanaged and under staffed. Doing one or two open hearts a week is not reassuring. Revolving hospitalists with questionable credentials. Still, Lifepoint is turning a profit! Able to make chicken salad from a chicken ___
patient care model.

Anonymous said...

they turn a profit based on the corporation as a whole,this particular facility has been losing money from day one if looked at on a growth/income/expense model.
Of course the "o's" of lifepoint are too ignorant to know that.
No pain clinic, hmmm could the now outsourced anesthesia be far behind?

Anonymous said...

I heard there is no night time anesthesia anymore. The nurses are on their own.

Anonymous said...

Can you believe it! Were willmy mom go! Dr Frefield really cared fo his patients. He was world class alright.
He was really upset I heard to have to tell his patietns goodby and the hospital is trying to blame him. They guy is like nationaly know expert. Danville was really like him.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, hospital proceeds go to the North Theater?


Anonymous said...

Hope it's not a lifepoint/5 idiots plan . If so it's doomed.

I say shut the whole hospital down and sell it to the highest nonprofit bidder.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the filthy five will do any volunteer work at the North Theatre. Wonder if the staff left at lifept. will get free passes. They certainly have the free time to go see a show. Great way to spend some of the "phantom" money from the sale.

Anonymous said...

From the article in todays paper. Mortality rates are high and cannot all be blamed on our health care providers since obesity, lack of preventive care, and economics are not their fault HOWEVER:

Wait times at the Danville Regional Medical Center also are a problem. Seventeen percent of patients seeking treatment in the emergency room left without treatment and those receiving treatment spent an average of 9.6 hours in the ER, the report states. Since then, conditions have improved with 4.2 percent of patients leaving without treatment and an average wait time of 4.3 hours. These numbers are still higher than national averages.

Anonymous said...

In many communities the hospitals help to educate the public on the problems associated with obesity and not getting care as needed. This hospital will not educate our people on this because it is not in their best interest. The article in todays paper is no surprise. If you care to re, here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Is it really true that there is no more in-house anes. at night anymore? What about O.B.? What about in -house patients,and E.R. patients who need to be intubated?

Anonymous said...

Still is in house anesthesia.
Only because the anesthesiologist and some of the medical staff have been fighting for it
Despite the fact they never a contract yet and LIfepoint owes them allot of money
You got to give them credit for sticking it out

Anonymous said...

In the comparison of wait times and pt's who left without being seen, was the census comparable for both figures? If so, KUDOS to the ER staff.

Anonymous said...

Kudos ?
You should be seen for a tox screen...

Anonymous said...

Wait times are down because less people are using the ER. When I worked there, pre-Lifepoint, we saw around 55,000/yr. Now, the ER is seeing around 40,000/yr. Anybody can make the numbers look good if they see less patients.

Anonymous said...

It has come...Dr.Gregoriev now gone.When is someone in this town going to wake up!

Anonymous said...

40.000 a year , probably less when the real numbers come out.
The only people going there now are the ones who can't get to somewhere else.
Surgeries WAY down.
Staff, including "real" physicians WAY down, and oh look, another longterm physician leaving, and still NO word from the 5 idiots that sold it.
Moses Cone come on down you're the next contestant on the price of the hospital is now low enough to be right. The standards sure are low enough...

Anonymous said...

The I5 will never respond to the sale of DRMC. They did what was good for them, not the hospital and we will all suffer for it. Lifepoint should have been researched, but in their haste to get the money, that was overlooked. Quality care no longer matters - just bucks. How much longer must we all suffer - employees, patients, and the community?

Anonymous said...

"Earnings Watch: Updates, advisories and surprises
LifePoint Hospitals, Inc. said third-quarter net income fell 60% to $11.4 million, or 22 cents a share, from $28.2 million, or 49 cents a share, earned in the year-earlier quarter."

Uh Oh....look out, more cuts coming

Anonymous said...

Fazoli's had bad food and service, they folded. Boscovs failed due to the economy. Lifepoint is failing due to 1. bad service 2. poor employee relations 3. economy 4. poor management
It will eventually go away, the decision-makers should have already shed DRMC, but they are too stupid to figure out they are losing.

Anonymous said...

Someone not doing their homework. Poor people.

Rockdale Medical Center: Sale met with little opposition

Jay Jones
Staff Reporter

CONYERS - For the third time in less than a year, a public hearing was held Wednesday concerning the sale of the publicly owned Rockdale Medical Center to a for-profit corporation.

The hearing was hosted by the Georgia Attorney General's Office in RMC's East Tower classrooms. Under state law, the Attorney General's Office is required to ensure proper transfer of public property to private entities and give final approval of the sale.

LifePoint Hospitals Inc. has offered to purchase RMC for $84 million, with a promise to spend $30 million in capital improvements over the next six years. The Rockdale County Hospital Authority will have the right of first refusal if LifePoint decides to put the hospital up for sale.

No one spoke in opposition Wednesday to the sale of the 138-bed hospital to the Nashville, Tenn.-based company.

Most of the speakers who stood up to comment were RMC employees, administrators and physicians, and all wholeheartedly supported the sale. Many said LifePoint was the best option available to keep the hospital open and as an acute care provider for the community.

Ruth Roebuck, a registered nurse, said the hospital had played a significant role in her life beyond just providing a job and recounted how her grandfather was treated there. She said "The Rock," as she called the hospital, was a fixture in the community and that LifePoint's offer was a way to continue that tradition.

The first two hearings, held in November 2007 and January 2008, involved an attempt by Signature Hospital Corp. of Houston, Texas, to purchase the local hospital for $87.7 million. Signature officials withdrew their offer in May after they were unable to secure financing for the transaction, citing the recent national credit crisis as the primary reason.

As a result, Rockdale Hospital Authority members started the process again to search for a buyer. In August, Life Point and RMC entered into exclusive negotiations.

LifePoint officials said Wednesday they had the cash on hand to cover the proposed $84 million purchase as well as the additional $30 million for capital investment in the hospital over the next six years.

David Dill, LifePoint vice president and chief financial officer, explained that the cash flow from the company's existing 48 hospitals was adequate to cover the RMC purchase and 85 to 95 percent of the total cost could be deposited after approval from the Attorney General's Office.

As a good-faith gesture, LifePoint has already placed $5 million in an escrow account for the sale, Dill said.

Dill also said the company was prepared to spend $4 million in each of the first three years of ownership as part of the $30 million in promised capital improvements. It was a decision on LifePoint's part for its strategic plan for the hospital, but also it was intended as another sign of good faith.

William Carpenter, LifePoint president and CEO, indicated the company was initially reluctant to give the Rockdale County Hospital Authority the right of first refusal if LifePoint sought to sell the hospital within seven years, but ultimately agreed. He said the company was "excited about the opportunity" to make RMC its 49th hospital and its first in Georgia.

"It's our intention to be here for a long time," he said.

Along with the $114 million in cash and capital improvements, the proposed sale agreement with LifePoint included establishing a nine-member board of trustees made up of the hospital CEO, three physicians and five citizens, two of whom will be appointed by the Hospital Authority.

After the sale and paying off of the debt, the Hospital Authority will be left with about $40 million. The money will be held in an account to be used if RMC were to buy back the hospital from LifePoint. Interest earned from the money will be used to fund a grant-giving program to provide health care to the community, said Ethel Boyle, chairwoman of the Rockdale County Hospital Authority.

RMC Board of Directors Chairman Richard Simons said that after the Signature deal collapsed, the board reassessed whether it should remain an independent entity. Simons said that all other options showed the hospital sinking deeper in debt as patient volume failed to keep up with expenses and debt service.

RMC officials initially sought a buyer after the hospital incurred a $15 million operating loss in 2005 following an expansion and a loss of accounts receivables from a computer system conversion. The shortfall in turn caused the hospital to violate a bond covenant agreement involving part of its $87 million in outstanding debt.

Throughout the process with Signature, some community members opposed the sale, arguing that the hospital was undervalued in order to expedite the transaction.

The Attorney General's Office had approved the sale with Signature in March, even after terms of the original sale were altered. During Wednesday's hearing, Bridget Bourgeois, an independent financial advisor retained by the Attorney General, said her review of the agreement showed the value of the hospital fell within an acceptable price range based on transactions of hospital of a similar size and operation.

The Attorney General will accept written comment through Monday, then have 30 days to rule if the sale falls within state law.

Jay Jones can be reached at

Anonymous said...

If they only knew what they are geeting to.

Anonymous said...

They do now...

Anonymous said...

Dr. DeChurch drank the kool-aid...

Anonymous said...

She's dellusional if nothing else, I met her when she "arrived" at lifepoint in danville. She was a joke then, if she thinks that facilities like Cone, Baptist, Carilion, etc have the "same things to deal with" she really is insane. And whoopie lifepoint pays 13m in taxes to Danville, I'm pretty sure the amount of disposable income that was lost or not being spent by the staff that has been cut and the loss of patient care is FAR more than that.
She musta drank the BIG size Kool-Aid, poor corporate fools...Paid corporations have no place in healthcare...

Anonymous said...

I hope that some of the back stabbers in managment get their "just desserts'. There have been many good hard working people who have been terminated or laid off for no good reason. The nurses that are still there are overloaded as well as staff in other offices. It seems that all Life Point cares about is money and not people. I think those who sold us 'down the river" ought to have wear a giant red letter every where they go so they can get the same treatment that many of us have received from Lifepoint.

Anonymous said...

Great idea for the Scarlet Letter and let your imagination run wild as to what the letter should be. I know just the 5 men who should wear one.

Anonymous said...

"L" for lifepoint stooge , losers, lame brain, etc...

Anonymous said...

Truth hurts doesn't it??
No matter what is said or explained, unless it is ugly, negative and hateful, none of you want to try to see another point of view. What a bunch of useless whiners!! Lets see now,have any of your wishes come true.........? Don't think so, just a place for a few to make up stories about things they don't really know anything about and then criticize those who do.
What a comedy, thanks for the good laugh of the day. The way things are going in our economy, I need a few things to laugh at!!

Anonymous said...

to be fair, lets not forget about how the money made from the sale of the hospital is benefiting our community;

Virginia Early Childhood Foundation (VECF)
Planning and Technical Support to Create Smart Beginnings

Southside Business Technology Center (SBTC)
Expansion of Regional Business Consulting Services

Dan River Basin Association (DRBA)
Caswell County Heritage Trails Initiative

Community Foundation of the Dan River Region (CFDRR)
Danville Regional Foundation Fund

YMCA of Danville
Assessing Opportunities for a New Danville YMCA and Community Needs in the City of Danville

Danville Community College and Piedmont Community College
Pathways for Success: A Cross-Border Collaboration

Industrial Development Authority of the City of Danville

Free Clinic of Danville

BEST Coalition

Anonymous said...

"just a place for a few to make up stories about things they don't really know anything about and then criticize those who do."

Excuse us , didn't know we we're in the presence of the everlasting know-it-all, check around you'll see just how disreputable the 5 and lifepoint are.

Anonymous said...

Most of the good work above are money pits ...VECF and child clinic are the only valid one's listed ...The others are certain peoples pet projects and consulting services..... well let's just say anyone can consult...Danville has a long history of lots of consulting with nothing to show for it.
Sorry but think tanks and consulting fees are --usually-- ill spent pork.
Donations to state funded colleges hmmmm...
How about the fab 5 / there sooo great, consult them ... oh wait they've already got their fingers in the pie , and I bet some of those "charities" too.

But i guess it's fine to provide substandard care as long as you flash money around, just a shame that the very people that built the hospital(and the rest of us) no longer get decent care from it...

Anonymous said...

It is great that the hospital sale funds can help charity, but that still leaves us with an outhouse for a hospital. Educated people know not to go there and some idiots too. I bet some of our infamous 5 won't even go there...

Anonymous said...

quit complaining, things aren't going to change. Go somewhere else for your medical care and get on with your lives. Whats the point of rehashing this 10 million ways??
I'm so tired of hearing about the "fab five",things are worse in our country than focusing on the same old stuff here. Just be glad you don't work for the auto industry or dhl or some of these other businesses going under. We've been there, now lets dig ourselves out of this slump and move on to better things. Let it go, life is just to short and precious.

Anonymous said...

"Go somewhere else for your medical care and get on with your lives."

"things are worse in our country than focusing on the same old stuff here"

Actually most of the reason our country is in this mess is because of companies exactly like lifepoint poor "businessmen" like the 5 idiots and disgraceful bsuiness practices paying obscene salaries to CxO's who produce NOTHING. Add NAFTA and CAFTA to that and tah dah an unholy mess, lifepoint is just a perfect local example of the disgraceful practices of corporate america.

Anonymous said...

And life is too precious , exactly why lifepoint needs to GO!!

Anonymous said...

Good point; Lifepoint is no better than AIG or any of the other subprime mortgage lenders. They take advantage of those who don't know there are better alternatives. Greed is the root of this mess and we all know of the greed existing in Lifepoint and the "Fab 5". To the poster who said "get on with it", you must be a lifepoint flunky.

Anonymous said...

Did you see that pathetic article on the pain clinic.
The doctors did not want to close it. They can say anything cause the hospital wont let them.
I also know when the doctors realized they could not afford to keep it open the way the LIfepoint was making them run it, they tried to work on telling patients but the hospital would not let them and actually got mad at them for trying to tell the patients
Life point cant be trusted for anything

Anonymous said...

Danville Regional sued by ex-worker

Published: November 14, 2008

A Pittsylvania County woman, and former employee of Danville Regional Medical Center, is suing the hospital for sex discrimination, being a hostile work environment and breach of contract.

Marsha Rittenhouse claims the hospital fired her on April 7, saying she had violated the hospital’s code of conduct for attending a masquerade ball in February.

Rittenhouse claims males working for Danville Regional, however, were not disciplined for breaches in the same code. She also claims in the suit that she was regularly subjected to offensive sexually explicit comments from staff members, including the chief executive officer of the hospital.

The suit filed in Federal Court late Friday afternoon claims the repeated offensive and sexual comments “constituted unlawful sexual harassment and rendered Rittenhouse’s employment environment hostile.”

Rittenhouse also claims the hospital owes her for bonuses, totaling $7,500, earned before her termination. The suit asks she be paid the bonuses, plus $200,000 in compensatory damages and $200,000 in punitive damages. She has asked for a jury trial.

W. Huntington Byrnes, of Clement & Wheatley, is Rittenhouse’s attorney.

Anonymous said...

We all know of sexist comments made by lifepoint officials so it's about time someone stood up for themselves against the idiots of lifepoint, sure as heck can't get the city of danville to.

As for a hostile work environment... every employee in lifepoint(danville) should sue for that...

Anonymous said...

Heard it was the HOOKERS BALL and that she dressed appropriately....then shared the pictures. HHHHMMMM....Bet next thing that would have been said would be sexist comments, you think?? Did not know her, could care less, just hate that its always this sort of negativity that makes the news around here.

Anonymous said...

From what I heard it was somone else that shared the pictures, not her. Regardless that is her personal life. She did nothing wrong at work from what I understand. Would administration like to share everything they do in their personal lives? I think not.Although they are certainly not private about it at all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what it is or where it is , if she didn't represent herself as a DRMC employee and it was on her time and it wasn't illegal :
And if lifepoint had a morality clause they'd close the doors today.
Fact is
Doesn't matter how she dressed:
Example: manner of dress doesn't justify a rape.
Example 2 : have you driven by a school lately?, most of the middle schoolers look like hookers.

Also: If you've ever had any teaching on workplace harrassment you will know that: Any action , verbal or otherwise , that is PERCEIVED as unwanted or threatening by THE RECIPIENT of the action or comment, is considered harrassment caused by the person making the gesture/comment .

Don't believe it? call an attorney or call your place of employement, they will tell you this because they have been instructed and know they will lose this type of lawsuit since it is the PERCEPTION of the recipient not the intent of the one comitting the situation.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of the above....HOWEVER, as an employer, I would say that if it was harrassment AFTER she was terminated, then it was harrassment BEFORE she was terminated. Point being if she was OK with it before she was let go, and hadn't filed a suit while she was still an employee, then now it's only revenge.

Anonymous said...

Even something that was "tolerated" before can be revoked by the person on the receiving end at "any next occurance" even if it was "ok" before.

Nicknames, contact of any kind, etc..
Maybe not perfect but it is the law...

Anonymous said...

Well, I googled hookers ball. WOW, thats pretty obscene to me. I find it a little strange that someone who can attend one of those things would be claiming "sexual harrassment", seems like a revenge issue in my mind.

Anonymous said...

you are all pathetic. I am trying to find someone to take care of my mother since the pain clinic was closed and al you can talk about is some hookers ball!!
Doesn't anyone care there is no longer a pain clinic and they claim it was not needed, and then blamed the doctors for closing it

Anonymous said...

WOW....I doubt that I would visit this blog to find someone to take care of my ailing mother. Actually I think a Hookers Ball in Danville would stir things up for us poor pathetic fools posting here.

Anonymous said...

Check the newspaper, there have been a few ads for a pain clinic in Brosville, Don't know if that'll help you but...maybe.

Anonymous said...

" She also claims in the suit that she was regularly subjected to offensive sexually explicit comments from staff members, including the chief executive officer of the hospital".

Let me see, so this is the same person that attends multiple years at the "hookers ball", who has pictures showing herself "half unclothed", who attends the same ball that "Ron Jeremy" king of porn is the guest of honor at. All of a sudden after she is let go, all of these allegations surface.
Thats pretty sad! Hmm......sounds kind of hypocritical to me!
I can put 2 AND 2 TOGETHER!!

Anonymous said...

It does not matter what her behavior is outside the hospital. No person should subject her to sexual inuendos, harrassment, or inappropriate touching at work. If the CEO did in fact do this, he is setting a poor example, whether she let it happen or not.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter what her behavior is outside the hospital. No person should subject her to sexual inuendos, harrassment, or inappropriate touching at work. If the CEO did in fact do this, he is setting a poor example, whether she let it happen or not.

Anonymous said...

Under harrassment laws all that is needed is the persons perception, or resistance of unwanted or ungranted behavior...period.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever entertain the thought that maybe she is making this up in order to get $$$???
I can perceive "unwanted inuendos" where I work too, maybe I should try to collect.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Lifepoint will say she is making it up. Who is going to admit sexual harassment, it's a job security issue. This type of treatment can not be allowed to persist in any working environment. Knowing a few of those involved, I will add that I actually believe her. Now it is up to the courts to decide.

Anonymous said...

If you feel "harrassed" in any way at work it should be reported...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely...but it should be reported when it happens, or continues to happen. Not months after you are fired. I will agree however that if male counterparts attended the same party that she was fired for and they weren't fired then that IS discrimination. Sexual harrassment though should not be tolerated as long as you are working and happy then reported after you are terminated. Doesn't make it right just makes you wonder why something that had obviously been going on a while "suddenly" became offensive.

Anonymous said...

Often the sexual harrassment goes unreported because they fear for their job. When the job is lost, what is there to fear. That is one reason sexual harrassment goes unreported. If it goes to court, it will all come out, so I don't think we should be too quick to cast judgement on this case.

Anonymous said...

Good point

Anonymous said...

Not sure what CEO or others are allegedly responsible for the harassment listed in the lawsuit. Doesn't really matter. If found guilty, the parties responsible will not pay, Lifepoint will. And where is that money coming from??? Higher bills, staff cuts, budget cuts, reduced benefits, etc. will foot that bill.

Anonymous said...

Often in harrassment suits the company will disavow the employee and the employee will have to pay the bill.

Since lifepoint fired an MD for that they may cut their loses and fire the alleged person(s) involved...

If lifepoint is named in the suit and found responsible then they are liable. If you are one who says "We can't do the right thing we'll lose our jobs, and the mean rich man will punish us" then you are weak and perfect for lifepoint.

Which is also why lifepoint and the 5 idiots prosper, they prey on people just like you...

Non-profit hospitals are the way to go in this, and any other, economic climate.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, does lifepoint spend more on nurses or lawyers these days?

Anonymous said...

Do you know why the wait time is so long in the ER at DRMC? There are several reasons, not just because it's Lifepoint. Long waits in the ER are nationwide.
People have lost all medical common sense and will come to the ER for minute things, half of the reason for this is 80% of these people don't have to worry about paying for it because they have "insurance", but it's not insurance, it's medicaid. If people aren't better in 24 hours they come back, and come back. Nothing, including recovery is done in 24 hours. People vomit once and come to the ER. This clogs up YOUR ER with non emergent people. This is why you wait. People use up your tax dollars to take the EMS bus to the emergency room, thinking, with even non emergent problems because came in on EMS they are assured a bed. Some times they do, some not. This is why you wait.
You wait because there is no TEACHING on the basic level on when to come to the ER by the primary care MD's.
You wait because primary care MD's don't for the most part take people without some kind of insurance be it governmental or private insurance.
You wait because the nursing homes have somewhere along the way forgot that they employee Registered nurses,LPN's and MD's and send things that could be taken care of there to the ER.
You wait because there are true emergencies and there aren't enough staff to properly take care of them.
You wait because nothing happens instantly and getting the patient from the emergency room to the floor takes an act of god almost.
You wait because there is no communication between admisnistration and staff is non existant.
You wait because registration in the ER needs to get it's act together.
I am sure there are many other reasons that you wait, these are only a few. I know, I used to work there.

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with your post concerning ER wait times.

I took my mother to the Morehead Memorial ER and we took her in at 1:30 in the afternoon. She was seen by the triage nurse in 5 minutes and was in a gown and being seen by their doctor in 15 minutes. Within 1 hour, all blood tests, CT scan, etc were complete.

In this amount of time, the ER staff contacted my mother's Danville doctors getting a list of her medications and health information to know how to treat her. She was admitted and was in a room by 5:30 p.m.

Morehead's ER staff seemed to have everything together. Things worked like clockwork, not like DRMC at all. The last time I had to take my mom to DRMC, she was severely dehydrated and unresponsive. It took 3 hours for a nurse to begin an IV.

I swore I'd never take another family member to that ER.

Anonymous said...

"People use up your tax dollars to take the EMS bus to the emergency room"

Nationally -yes Locally No

The only paid service in danville/ & close part of the county is Regional One , the rest are nonprfit volunteer organizations.they work off of donations.
And you're right even at that they know the magic words to get a firetruck and ambulance to their door when all they needed was an aspirin or a Tums.

And they understaffing is a HUGE problem and it wasn't until lifepoint stole it...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AG gives OK to hospital sale

Jay Jones
Staff Reporter

CONYERS - The sale of Rockdale Medical Center to LifePoint Hospitals Inc. took a major step toward completion this week following a report released by the Georgia Attorney General's Office that found the transaction does not violate state law.

The attorney general's report of findings released Wednesday concluded that both RMC and Nashville-based LifePoint Hospitals have taken steps to ensure fair value is given for the publicly owned hospital under Georgia's Hospital Acquisition Act.

The report essentially gives state approval of the sale and was the last hurdle left for the Rockdale County Hospital Authority and RMC Board of Trustees to complete the $80 million transaction.

News of the report was announced to RMC employees by e-mail Tuesday, although the Attorney's General's Office had not officially released the 17-page report, RMC spokeswoman Marsha Terry said.

LifePoint's purchase agreement also includes a commitment to spend $30 million over the next six years for the benefit of the hospital with a stipulation to spend $4 million in each of the first three years following the closing date.

The Rockdale County Hospital Authority is expected to receive

$40 to $45 million in proceeds from the sale after it settles the hospital's debt. With the hospital's total debt hovering around $87 million, the majority of sale proceeds will come from RMC's cash reserves it was required to keep on hand as part of its bond covenants.

Hospital Authority Chairwoman Ethel Boyle said that money will be held and invested for seven years and can be used to purchase the hospital back from LifePoint due to a right-of-first refusal clause the Authority included in the sale agreement. The right of first refusal will expire in seven years.

Interest from the sale proceeds will be used for charitable health care services in Rockdale County. Boyle said money would be distributed in the form of grants, and the Hospital Authority was working to develop a procedure to solicit, review, award and monitor those grants.

This is the second go-around in RMC's pursuit for a buyer of the cash-strapped hospital. RMC struck a deal with Signature Hospital Corporation in 2007 for $87.7 million and had received state approval in March. However, turmoil in the nation's credit market forced Signature to back out of the agreement in May.

Unlike the deal with Signature, the sale with LifePoint is more likely to go through. LifePoint officials planned to purchase the local hospital with cash, while Signature depended on outside financing to fund its bid.

RMC officials sought a buyer for the hospital after incurring a $15 million operating loss in 2005 following an expansion and a loss of accounts receivables from a computer system conversion. The shortfall in turn caused the hospital to violate a bond covenant agreement involving part of its $87 million in outstanding debt.

The attorney general's report pointed out the seriousness of the hospital's financial woes after the deal with Signature fell through. As RMC officials narrowed the field for a buyer this summer between LifePoint and Community Health Systems, they received notice from the bond rating firm Standard and Poor's that the hospital's credit rating had been downgraded from BBB to BBB- with a negative outlook.

Standard and Poor's advised hospital officials that without significant improvement or a sale, further downgrades could be expected, according to the report.

The attorney general's report followed a public hearing on the sale on Nov. 5 in which both sides outlined the reasons for the sale, the terms of the agreement and the methods used to determine a fair market value for the 138-bed public facility. Several RMC employees and local government officials spoke in favor of the sale during the hearing, while no one spoke in opposition.

However, an e-mailed comment was received by the attorney general's office against the sale, according to the AG's report. The sender identified herself as a former employee of Danville Regional Medical Center in Danville, Va., - a hospital owned by LifePoint - and asked the Attorney General's Office to "investigate ... carefully" the sale because when LifePoint purchased DRMC "the level of care deteriorate(ed)."

LifePoint's attorneys responded to the e-mail and said when the company purchased DRMC in 2005, the community was experiencing an economic slowdown. The attorneys said Virginia law provided limited opportunities for public comment and "many Danville residents questioned or criticized the decision to sell the community hospital."

LifePoint's attorneys added that the company had worked to build community support and invested $40 million in the hospital, according to the report.

Jay Jones can be reached at

Anonymous said...

Well looks like another area that didn't listen and will pay the price , at least they were smart enough to add a buyback clause.

I see the lifepoint lies have already started so... let the layoffs and money funnelling to tenn. begin !!

Anonymous said...

Where did the 5 rocket scientists put the ill gotten money from DRMC sale? Seems like I recall a bank with Citicorp Group....the ones needing bailout. Wonder how much has been lost in this financial mess we are in at the moment? What was the reason Karl had the need to write a little essay at this time??

Anonymous said...

What essay?

Anonymous said...

Sunday's paper on editorial page

Anonymous said...

Post please?

ebest said...

Hospital Ratings 2010..........

Anonymous said...

you ass hole you kill my momi

Anonymous said...

Informative article, precisely what I wanted.raspberry ketone side effects