Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Joint venture","shared governance", "transparent process". What novel concepts.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out...

Bannock County Commissioners Select Legacy Hospital Partners
Pocatello, Idaho--(Business Wire)--The Bannock County Commission has announced the selection of Legacy Hospital Partners, Inc. (LHP) of Plano, Texas as the proposed capital partner in a joint venture for the construction and operation of a new regional medical center to be located on Portneuf Medical Center’s east campus. The proposed joint venture will be on the November ballot for approval by Bannock County’s voters.
On Thursday, in an open meeting at the Bannock County courthouse, the commissioners voted unanimously to proceed with LHP, citing several factors in their selection, including superior terms in their negotiated relationship, the experience of LHP’s key executives in forming Community Benefit Organization joint ventures of the type proposed for the medical center, and a clear preference for LHP expressed by the various stakeholder groups, including the community’s physicians, the hospital’s Board of Governors, its administration, and members of a citizens panel, all of whom reviewed the proposals from both Legacy Hospital Partners, Inc. and LifePoint, Inc., the other finalist that was not selected.
“LHP’s executive team pioneered the joint venture, shared-governance model that we were looking for in moving ahead with the new medical center,” stated Larry Ghan, Chair of the Bannock County Commission. “We weren’t going to give up significant local control, and we wanted the community’s physicians to be confident they could continue to deliver good medical care to their patients. Under the proposal from LHP, both of those things are guaranteed. I think the residents of Bannock County are going to be very happy with the proposed relationship and the safeguards of local control built into it.”
Ghan went on to state that the negotiated Letter of Intent – a document that lays out the contract the county and LHP will enter into if voters approve in November – will be made public at a Friday news conference scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Portneuf Medical Center’s west campus. “We want this to be a completely transparent process,” said Ghan. “If we’re going to ask the voters in Bannock County to approve this measure in November, then they deserve to know what’s in that document.”
The commissioners notified Legacy Hospital Partners immediately after the vote, to enable LHP’s executive team to travel to Pocatello for the Friday press conference.
Upon hearing the news, Dan Moen, Legacy Hospital Partners, Inc. CEO, said, “Legacy Hospital Partners, Inc.’s strategy is to partner with not-for-profit hospitals such as Portneuf Medical Center in the operation and ownership of community hospitals. We are very honored to have been selected as the capital partner for Portneuf. Our team has been impressed by the community and its commitment of time and energy to find the right partner for the hospital’s future. I want to thank the community leaders, elected officials, physicians, hospital employees, educators and others who have invested so much in this process. We look forward to working with you in developing a regional medical center that is second to none.”
In the proposed relationship, the new medical center will be operated as a joint venture between Legacy Hospital Partners and Portneuf Health Care Foundation, which will hold the community’s interest in the medical center. The joint venture’s board of directors will be appointed on a 50-50 basis by the directors of the Portneuf Health Care Foundation and LHP. Under a voting arrangement called “block voting,” the board will be unable to approve any measures unless a majority of each side’s board members approve. In addition, the Foundation’s local board representatives must approve any proposed CEO for the hospital and may terminate the CEO without the approval of LHP’s board representatives. Finally, a completely local board of trustees comprised of at least 50 percent physicians will oversee clinical care issues.
“This governance model absolutely guarantees that local influence over our hospital will continue,” stated Commissioner Lin Whitworth. “I’ve had people ask me why a capital partner that owns the majority of a new medical center would give us 50 percent control. If you think about it, it’s very smart on their part. Who’s going to know better what services our local hospital should deliver than our local residents and our physicians? If we’re meeting the needs of the region, the hospital will grow and thrive. And that makes LHP’s investment worth more.”
The commissioners acknowledged that while they are confident the proposed joint venture represents the best solution to the area’s need for a new state-of-the-art medical center, there is a lot of work to do in educating the county’s voters between now and November. “What the voters decide in November will shape health care in our region for decades to come,” said Commissioner Steve Hadley. “We can go forward, or we can fall backward. It’s our job between now and November to answer every question and satisfy the residents of Bannock County that this represents a tremendous opportunity for all of us.”


Anonymous said...

Common Sense - 1
lifepoint - 0

Thank goodness somebody learned.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they did not have a group of leaders working to sell it out from under the people. I hope these so called leaders are happy with what has happened. I see them just as much at falt as Lifepoint maybe more so.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure they did not have a group of leaders working to sell it out from under the people. I hope these so called leaders are happy with what has happened. I see them just as much at falt as Lifepoint maybe more so.

Anonymous said...

Danville has never had leaders that's why areas that were once smaller (ie Winston Salem, Greensboro, RTP,Roanoke, Lynchburg, etc) have flourished while danville has continually spiraled down the drain at the hands of a few select idiots.
Hence the sale of the last true stable employer.
DRMC - RIP, lifepoint GO AWAY !

Anonymous said...

What the hell does Lifepoint have to do withteh fact that we've never had leadership? 80+ years vs. 3? Explain your logic....or better yet,stand up and do something about it instead of standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks like the redneck you must be.

Anonymous said...

Since you are obviously ignorant or just stupid I'll make this simple.

"What the hell does Lifepoint have to do withteh fact that we've never had leadership? 80+ years vs. 3? Explain your logic"

The sale was originated and conducted by so called "leaders" that have absolutely no education in the field they supposedly had the authority to sell.
I do, with experience, so don't even start.

"....or better yet,stand up and do something about it instead of standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks like the redneck you must be."
I already have by way of volunteering in the city and working extra at DRMC to take care of patients when staffing was cut by lifepoint. I've seen what lifepoint and the danville pimps created from the inside. I've seen the 17:1 RN ratios in the hospital. The loss of some nationally recognized MDs, and the loss of any credibility in medicine in danville. The flight of medical services out of danville continues.I have the right to throw rocks as I my co-workers and our patient ssuffered through and continue to suffer at the hands of the inferior( and the reports prove that) lifepoint.

So I believe we have proved that you are the epitome of an uneducated, inexperienced, unread FOOL.
Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

I'm talking about leadership. Volunteering and working extra shifts only serve to make you feel good and your paycheck larger. How many offices have you run for? How many leadership positions have you sought? That's what I mean when I say 'standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks.' It's one thing to criticize those in leadership...its another to be a leader and do otherwise. Have a super day yourself!

Anonymous said...

Orientation , instruction, commissioned positions, improvement committees, and training. Done it .
Oh and volunteerism helps the CITIZENS of danville not the paycheck...

Anonymous said...

"How many offices have you run for? How many leadership positions have you sought?"

Instead of bashing the other poster why don't you tell us what you've done. Seems to me you're either "on the sidelines" or a VERY ineffective leader.Of course your ineptness would explain why you still work for/or support lifepoint.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that when an opinion runs counter a prior post, its always labeled as bashing?
Truth: I don't work for lifepoint.
Truth: It's almost impossible to make an intelligent point on this blog without the responses above.

Take care...

Anonymous said...

"Truth: I don't work for lifepoint."

There in lies the rub : you can't qualify an opinion either way if you haven't experienced the sheer destruction of lifepoint.

Anonymous said...

So called local "leaders" don't get elected to have power, they just have fundraisers for those that do.

Anonymous said...

That is the absolute BEST explaination of a danville "Leader" that I've heard in 25 years.

Power does not equal a leader, it does equal organized crime, a tyrant, or a bully.

The good folks that turned down lifepoint will be MUCH better off, and congratulations to them for the intestinal fortitude ,morals, and scruples, to think about the overall good of the community instead of "play money" and hollow donations for a select few.

Anonymous said...

So I can't have an opinion about leadership if I haven't worked for very Danvillian.

Guess this blog is actually a good occupies the time of those that can't add to the betterment of our community. LOL

Anonymous said...

"So I can't have an opinion about leadership if I haven't worked for lifepoint"

Obviously the blog is a good thing it'll teach you to read, the "work for qoute " is about lifepoint management nowhere else .
This is a blog about lifepoint, or did you miss that in the TITLE.

"Very danvillian " is also ignorant, foolish, dribble , ANYONE that lives here is danvillian. Welcome to the "very danvillian" crowd.
If you don't live here , your being patronizing.
Take some time to learn and you'll see how oppressive and destructive the "leaders of danville" have been. The hospital sale was just icing on the cake.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an "n" of 1.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an "n" of 1.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like an "n" of 1."


Those sound like answers from those who know the posts above theirs, about how bad drmc is, are right and they have no intelligent rebuttal.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me how a DR can be on call but be out of town at the same time? This happens all the time with a certain Cardiologist.

Anonymous said...

And ? We had orders from them while out of the country.

Anonymous said...

Is lifepoint getting rid of the 403B? Got a letter that the plan was being terminated. What's next the insurance??

Anonymous said...

Because 403b's are written for non-profits. simple tax law.

Anonymous said...

This is the old retirement plan that we had when DRMC was nonprofit. This has nothing to do with the Lifepoint 401K.

Anonymous said...

Then make your mind up and get the facts straight. If it were meant to be preserved, then LifePoint just can't do away with it. If it were rolled over, then it goes to a 401-k, which is what ALL for profit companies use as teh retiremnt model, hospitals or not. Quit spreading rumor if you don't know what the ____ you'r etalking about. Typical poster. Its why all of us just shake our heads in a Danvillian sort of way.

Anonymous said...

OK. For those who do not know, the retirement plan that we had under DRMC that was funded by DRMC had to be rolled over or cashed in when Lifepoint took over. Where it went was based on the employee's preference. Some of us chose to leave our retirement funds with the same people who were handling our personal VALIC retirement accounts. This was under the Danville Regional Health System umbrella. Danville Regional Health System is disbanding and can no longer oversee the retirement funds. Our 401K with Lifepoint is not affected. (And before anyone comments, I dislike Lifepoint very much. I hate what they have done to our hospital. So, no I am not a Lifepoint flunkie.)

Anonymous said...

Valic is an AIG company. Maybe the change is related to the recent AIG problems. I am glad I rolled mine over when I had the chance.

Anonymous said...

"OK. For those who do not know, the retirement plan that we had under DRMC that was funded by DRMC had to be rolled over or cashed in when Lifepoint took over."

Hallelujah, Sweet Jesus, a voice of reason and fact on this blog!

Anonymous said...

"the retirement plan that we had under DRMC that was funded by DRMC had to be rolled over or cashed in when Lifepoint took over."

100% correct , I had to do that a couple a years ago...

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lifepoint is working on the purchase of another non-profit down in Georgia - I sure feel sorry for that community because we all know where the level of care will go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Looks like Lifepoint is working on the purchase of another non-profit down in Georgia"

How did you learn about this? Is there a link to an article we can read about? Please post information if you have it.


Anonymous said...

This link will show you the article on Lifepoint in Georgia - It was in the Atlanta Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Author of the article's e-mail is . Someone send him an email with the link here. I let him know they are in for a rough ride and poor care.

Anonymous said...

Warn them??? It's a done deal. You're a bit behind the curve.

Anonymous said...

I emailed the reporter also...their quite interested in the destruction of DRMC

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you ask for.

Anonymous said...

Link to most recent article aoout lifepoint in rockdale citizen.

Anonymous said...

This is a letter published in the Commonwealth Journal in Somerset, KY.

Published: September 24, 2008 07:59 am

Holding LCRH responsible

Readers Views

Commonwealth Journal

Dear Editor:

“We’re sorry, Mr. Bogle; we can’t admit you because there is simply nothing wrong with you.”

So my grandpa was told by a Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital emergency room physician. And thus despite complaints of shortness of breath, dehydration, severe edema, obvious contusions and pain emanating from a bad fall a few days earlier, he was abruptly sent back to his Southern Hills home where he died a mere four days later.

Would it have turned out differently if it were not for LCRH’s protocol whereby the physician who ultimately determined my grandpa’s fate did so sight unseen? The answer to that question will likely remain unknown and would prove to be of little comfort now anyway.

Dr. Flynn, whose name was only mentioned to us in passing and who apparently was not even on site at the time, made the critical decision to refuse to admit my grandpa.

We were effectively cut out of the communications loop by LCRH, being allowed access only to an intermediary. This practice of relegating the patient and his family to communicating with the decision-making physician via the grapevine does little to assure the patient and family that a thorough and thoughtful decision results. What it does do is aid LCRH in evading any accountability.

Ironically, the shocking aspect of this story is not that LCRH failed to render treatment in this instance, but rather the reactions of so many friends and acquaintances upon hearing it. Outrage? Yes. But shock? No.

Instead, the responses have consisted of story after story of similar conduct by LCRH in relation to their own friends and loved ones.

The fact that inadequate treatment has become so commonplace at LCRH that it fails to garner surprise or dismay is disgraceful, and it reflects a sad state of affairs for our community.

Unfortunately, those few competent and caring physicians and nurses who are affiliated with LCRH are overshadowed by the incompetent physicians and by the inadequate protocols utilized by LCRH.

Nevertheless, not only are medical malpractice lawsuits cost-prohibitive for most of us, it is nearly impossible to procure testimony from one physician against another.

Keenly aware of these realities, LCRH and many of its physicians execute their responsibilities with indifference and apathy.

Our community deserves better.

As I write this, my hope is that our citizens will heed this warning by doing anything possible to hold LCRH accountable for its actions and I appeal to those who are in a position to do so, to bring pressure to bear upon LCRH CEO Jeff Seraphine to implement more appropriate and effective protocols and to improve physician recruitment for this hospital serving our community.

Amanda Spears

Somerset, Ky.

Anonymous said...

Another community being torn down by Lifepoint. The story in Kentucky is consistent with their failed policies. We have all heard the horror stories at DRMC and still nothing is done to improve the situation. Until the day this hospital is sold to another organization, it will continue its decline. Lifepoint has ruined their reputation and will undoubtedly never be profitable as long as they remain in control. The people of Danville are often going to Lynchbur, Halifax, Annie Penn, Duke, and others to avoid this dangerous place.

Anonymous said...

You are so right.

Anonymous said...

Becky Logan needs to leave! She is only interested in the bottom line, just like all other Lifepoint management. She cuts staff, no matter what the census is and will not allow education. She even cut CPR classes! Ruth was not this bad! Much of the problems with patient care at the nursing level are patient/nurse ratio or education oriented. Something has to be done.

Anonymous said...

She NEVER returns calls either . Not even after 6 months of attempts.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but when management is concerned with the bottom line only and not staff or patients, you can't expect a credible response if a response at all. Humphries and Judy doctrine of ignore and it will go away.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they never gave straight answers when I was there. None of the lifepoint gang , I think lifepoint clones "O"s they're all haughty and quite incompetent.

Anonymous said...

...or smart enough to get rid of the right people.

Anonymous said...

Todays paper announced that Dr. Hale of the Family Healthcare Center (Owned by Lifepoint) is being let go (no notice of course). They claim they are losing money. That place is always slammed. Lifepoint practices and mismangement is to blame for this - Danville needs this place to stay open. This will be one more strike against the people of Danville. What is next; cardiology?, ER? When will Lifepoints reign of terror end?

Anonymous said...

You missed it. 2 of the 4 cardiologists won't be using lifepoint anymore.
And a large portion of the MDs are not admitting here. Annie Penn the close by savior.

Anonymous said...

Which 2 cardiologist?

Anonymous said...

Published: October 3, 2008
Danville Register & Bee

On Tuesday, one of the few doctors in the area who serves underinsured patients received a letter from Danville Regional Medical Center informing him that after 14 years, his services were no longer required. Two days later, he officially lost his job.

“I wish I could say I understand it,” Dr. Phillip Hale said Thursday. “It seems to be driven by (the hospital’s) bottom line mentality without really looking at the big picture.”

Hale said Family Healthcare Center on Piney Forest Road where he practiced was losing money and he believes that led to the termination of his contract.

But as one of the only practices in Danville open to Medicaid patients, Hale said he feels it is a necessary community asset.

Most private practices don’t accept Medicaid patients because the payout doctors receive from those patients is “very small,” Hale said.

He said the center could only operate because of the effective subsidy from the hospital.

Danville Regional Medical Center declined to comment on why they decided to fire Hale or whether or not they anticipate any more cutbacks.

“At Danville Regional Medical Center, we value all of our patients and want to assure them they will continue to receive high-quality care at the Family Healthcare Center,” Leslie Smith, director of marketing and community relations for Danville Regional, said in a written response. “Patients will continue to be seen by a physician and nurse practitioner.”

When Danville Regional was a not-for profit hospital, it didn’t seem to have a problem with the arrangement, Hale said. It was after it was sold to LifePoint Hospitals Inc. in 2005, the changes started coming, he said.

“A clerk here, a nurse there,” Hale said.

Hale believes the financial changes didn’t just stop with hirings and firings.

Hale said since he focused on preventative care with most of his Medicaid patients, it wasn’t necessarily a good thing for the hospital’s revenue intake.

“If I took care of their blood pressure and sugar, they wouldn’t be going to the emergency room,” Hale said. “They wouldn’t be getting sick enough to be admitted to the hospital.

“When we do that, the hospital actually loses more money.”

Hale said because so many doctors have recently left the area, he’s pretty sure he’ll be able to find another job. Still, he’s quite dismayed by Danville Regional’s decision.

“I think it goes back to when the decision was made to sell to a for-profit hospital,” Hale said. “The writing was on the wall then.”

Notable phrases--------------------

"At Danville Regional Medical Center, we value all of our patients and want to assure them they will continue to receive high-quality care at the Family Healthcare Center" Leslie Smith, director of marketing and community relations for Danville Regional, said.

How big of a lie is that. Without employees there is no healthcare.

"When Danville Regional was a not-for profit hospital, it didn’t seem to have a problem ..."

They had no problem for 14 years.

"It was after it was sold to LifePoint Hospitals Inc. in 2005, the changes started coming, he said"

It's also when everything went downhill.

“A clerk here, a nurse there,”

Remember the lifepoint reassignment pool ?
How about the now common overloaded RN assignments?

Maybe the MDs will actually win the fight for the ability to take care of patients over greedy "O's" and corporate idiots and thieves like lifepoint.

Anonymous said...

“When we do that, the hospital actually loses more money.”

So basically Lifepoint is just eliminating pre-emptive healthcare that helps people, so they'll get sicker, so they have to be admitted, so Lifepoint can soak them for the money to give to the CEO, CFO, COO, etc...

So much for "quality healthcare close to home" Should be "Quality healthcare nowhere close to home"

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't someone asked the question "why don't all doctors in Danville accept Medicaid?" Is it totally up to LifePoint to support little-to-non-paying patients? I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

NON-profit hospitals can and do get gov't credit for indigent care for those unable to pay.

For profit CORPORATIONS do not.

But I guess the 5 idiots missed that day of class.

Anonymous said...

A. You don't know the first ting about that which you try to explain.

B. I was asking about all the other doctors here in Danville not accepting Medicaid so it feels like this is such a huge loss with the Family Healthcare Center.

Anonymous said...

So which Cardiologists are not using DRMC?

Anonymous said...

I do know.
And yes it is a HUGE loss for this area.

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't think it was such a loss if you were having to shoulder the cost of non-pay, medicaid pay patients. Care to pony up?

Why not just ask all the providers in the area to accept Medicaid?

Anonymous said...

I do "pony up" they're called federal taxes and I'd sure rather pay for a $100 heart med for someone for HTN rather than a CABG and the meds.

Anonymous said...

I too am tired of paying outrageous medical expenses to "cover" all of the freebies given out to illegal aliens, and those too sorry to work to provide for themselves. Someone in crisis should be treated, yet there should be a better way than "forcing" the hard workers to pick up everyone elses slack.

Anonymous said...

FACT CHECK: There are not 4 but 6 cardiologists in town and they ALL still use DRMC.

Anonymous said...

Only 4 of those regularly come to the hospital and frequently it's just their PAs, NPs. Some are not coming to see patients unless consulted by the so called "hospitalists" who are not specialists.

Anonymous said...

Fact checking the "FACT CHECK" -
All 6 ARE NOT still using DRMC at this time , all had privileges but only 4 regularly came in. Now most are only coming , (even for their patients,) if the "hospitalists" consult them. A few are referring their patients to A.Penn.

Anonymous said...

Fact Check should be about they or do they not all 6 have privileges? Looks like they do.

Anonymous said...

Didn't say that they did not have privileges. READ...
Oh and it helps if you know what you are talking about....ask them what they think of lifepoint...I have.Ask them why they only come in on consults.

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