I wasn't going to post to the blog anymore...now that I don't work there, I'd like to close that chapter and move on. But my good friends at DRMC just did something that I have to share with you.
I came home today from working on getting a new job. I go to the mailbox and there is my final paycheck. But it wasn't the check that made me laugh at the sick irony...
It was the other envelope from DRMC...the one from Human Resources...
The one that started "Dear Valued Associate"...the one that was dated 10 days after they told me they didn't need me anymore.
Yes, they were asking this "Valued Associate" if I would take a few minutes to complete the employee satisfaction survey.
They assured me that they would be able to use the results to measure my "views of the work place, supervision, morale and other key quality and satisfaction indicators."
Well, I guess I should say thanks for caring enough to ask me for my opinion. I sure hope the survey has comment boxes.
But...I wonder if I have to be present to win the drawing for the big screen TV.
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1 – 200 of 356 Newer› Newest»Please don't stop posting.
If things like your mail tobay continue to occur,it needs to be made public.
What a bunch of low class jerks!!
Lpnt...you are the biggest of the "low hanging fruit".
No,we haven't forgotten that comment.
Give it a rest. The survey comes from a third party who would not normally have a list of those terminated in the past few weeks. No insensitivity to your termination, just data transfer lag time.
Nope... I got one too. Local postmark and it was hand-signed.
Many of those who are still there are dismayed that they spent all this time and effort (and money) on the survey hype. What a waste!!
And isn't it nice to know that the department directors are held more accountable for negative comments than Lifepoint? As if all of our unhappiness was totally due to our department directors (and yes, some areas do have issues with their director). Leaves those who are the major cause of the low morale blameless in their own eyes.
I received one also. It seems that I'm not maintaining my skills to act in a PRN position . Even though I am currently in an APN/MSN program with thousands of hours of clinical and I have a fresh recert in PALS/ACLS/CPR.
Boy o boy is that survey gonna be fun!
And don't think that more people won't continue to lose their jobs. However the ones that need to lose theirs will not they will just keep creating the mess. I understand that two more from MIS was let go yesterday. Long term employees. MIS was told they had met their numbers and have already gotten rid of a lot of people and when people left they were not replaced. And now they are down to 10, but the workload just keeps increasing. They were told that their number was originally 9, so I'm sure they will be down to 9 before it is all over.
Sentinel Event I am a blog regular and a former DRMC staff member I have alwyas wondered who you are and may have missed the unveiling of your identity. Please share with who you are. I may be thick but I have no idea.
Sentinel Event I am a blog regular and a former DRMC staff member I have alwyas wondered who you are and may have missed the unveiling of your identity. Please share with who you are. I may be thick but I have no idea.
They even prayed for us
To the editor:
My family and I are relatively new to the Danville area. I have read several letters to the editor about Danville Regional Medical Center. I have no knowledge of Danville Regional prior to the 2005 sale. I am only able to comment about my families’ recent experience.
My 91-year-old father became critically ill and had to be admitted. He received the best of care. The compassion of the staff was obvious. I am especially thankful to the staff of the floor for the great care he received.
I have never been in a hospital where the staff would go out of its way to offer words of encouragement and also tell you they were praying for both my father and my family. I know I personally received a great sense of peace as I felt those prayers and God’s presence. I don’t know anything about how Danville Regional is managed, but I do know it is staffed by a compassionate and caring staff. I believe Danville is very fortunate to have such a hospital in our community.
Lifepoint is continuing the slash and burn policy of terminating people. Two were walked out of MIS on Monday after they worked all weekend helping to update our so called computer package. More work going out of town due to lack of staff. I guess when DRMC becomes a clinic lifepoint will know how to handle the institution.
Sentinel Event,
All this time I wondered who you are and I think you finally gave it away with the Buffett line.
Keep us in your prayers cause we are sure going to need them.
The Lab is barley keeping our nose above water. One more drop and we sink.
To JERRY L. SHAVER I'm Glad you and your family recived great care at DRMC. The hospital does have some great people working hard every day. I was among them for 20 years before I left. What you recived is how it was for most everyone pre lifepoint. The Hospital was not perfect back then but it was truely our local hospital. WE took care of our own and we took pride in that. That pride is still their for many just a little tarnished these days. As the mangers are pressured to do more with less it filiters down and effects everyone. I wish I could tell you it is a great hospital (maybe someday) but that would not be the truth. I can tell you the hospital does have some great people in it that really do care and do there best. If you are lucky enough to have one of them look after you. The Equipment is old an not properly cared for that department was sold out and reduced in size. The buildings an gounds need work that they don't have staff for again reduced the department in size. Now the MIS group is being reduced it want take long before the computer systems to start haveing problems. All this just adds to the over all frustration for everyone trying to make it beter. Again I'm glad for you and your family you were one of the lucky few.
I left the organization over a year ago along with many other educated, talented people who made the choice of bettering their life versus continuing to attempt survival in a toxic environment. Unfortunately, I hear very little from the inside..I believe my friends are stifled. They offer little messages of general unhappiness and words that say no real positive changes other then Ruthless flew out on her broom. all I get is from the media. The paper does not talk of further layoffs although in reading this blog I can conclude major restructuring in the lab, ??activities in the blood bank, pain clinic is no longer, MIS has nbeen further cut down to a thin shadow of it's former life. continued dependance on contract services, travelers and temps. lastly incompetent management staff still in place although I hear the 3B manager or so called manager was axed...thank GOd. Is my assessment true please fill us in as to what is happening. I pray for you all everyday and ask god to watch over me and my loved ones so that we may not taken to the hospital to be cared for.
Sentinel Event congratulations on making a change I hope a positive one for you. We owe you a great deal.
Sentinel Event, please continue this blog site. It is important enough to keep lfpt's sorry asses worried. It was actually on the agenda for the directors' meeting today.
Sentinel Event, please continue this blog site. It is important enough to keep lfpt's sorry asses worried. It was actually on the agenda for the directors' meeting today.
"It was actually on the agenda for the directors' meeting today."
Interesting, what was discussed?
Wow...that's a real Christian attitude. Nice response to someone who worked hard to become certified to work in healthcare, gave years of service to this community, probably worked a holiday or two taking care of you or your family members...and now is discarded in order that productivity numbers are met.
"all I get is from the media. The paper does not talk of further layoffs..."
If all you are getting is from the media, then you are getting about 10% of the story.
How do you think it is that DRMC gets the "news"paper to look the other way and not report any of this?
Money, payoffs, and Threats, the only way lifepoint knows.
"Money, payoffs, and Threats, the only way lifepoint knows."
Alas...paranoia rules supreme again.
Meanwhile, things never change at Lifepoint. Bobby Burnett, 47, wo derful son, husband and father, died in this hideous place from choking on his own vomit while being attended. God help us all.
im response to the hard worker that took care of my family... the HA HA was not to you personally I work at DRMC and my response was to KNIFEPOINT AND AL THEIR TROUBLES. SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION YOU ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! : )
To the Lifepoint I want you to know. I'm Looking at major surgery shortly. I was told about this BLOG and that I should go read it before I set up my surgery. I herd of some of the things going on at the hospital after reading here and talking with my Doctor. I'm now going to Moses Cone. If half of this stuff is true this hospital will not be here long. Lifepoint may think all this will go away but as long as this blog is here people like my self will learn the truth and go else where. Thank you Sentinel Event you may no longer work at the Hospital but you are still saving lives with this BLOG and one of them may have been mine.
Bet it was not one of DRMC's very capable surgeons who told you this but probably one of the medical doctors who have chosen not to take care of their hospitalized patients. Maybe more to do with convenience for the doctor vs. what is best for the patient. Get your facts from those who know not from the factless blog!!
Yes, let's have some surgery at good ol DRMC where they do not check Potassium levels on a pt. with brittle diabeties....save everywhere you can so those big bonuses can be paid. I hope the family sues DRMC all the way to Tennessee. What do you want to bet the staff gets the blame!
Filled out my employee survey today, I sure hope they read them !
Not that It will matter .
Stupid(lifepoint)is as stupid(lifepoint) does.
Blogspot administrator and others,
please be careful of HIPPA violation and patient privacy rights when posting a blog, otherwise it will be a legal issue.
It will only be a legal issue if someone from the medical Community puts out information about a patient and that information can be linked somehow to the patient. Then it has to be proven where the information came from. If the patient or friend of the patient puts information out HIPPA plays no part. Freedom of speach.
clearly you don't know HIPAA
Clearly I know more then you. That is a simple break down from a goverment web site.
Rather than try to play medical legal counsel on an amateur forum, you should just stick to your day job.
I hate to tell you but the person is correct A violation only occurs if it can DIRECTLY be traced back to a person . If a family member discusses it, with the persons knowledge it's not a violation.
I don't know about John Q blogger but I'm quite sure the employees at the hospital are aware of the HIPAA laws, since they are trained on them every year and their jobs depend on it, usually it's the public that calls CONSTANTLY that violates the law and then complains because the RNs won't.
So, did anyone else get the letter that spells out exactly how much each employee (excuse me, "valued associate") costs LPNT to maintain?
I guess that kinda puts a new spin on the term "valued" associate.
To Rather than try to play medical legal counsel on an amateur forum, you should just stick to your day job.
I would like you to know I have worked in the medical field for 23 years. I have been trained in Hippa by the hospital. But before I posted any thing I reviewed it again on line to get the facts correct. It sounds to me like you should do a little reserch before you post information here to scare people. I can only guess you are a knifepoint person in this case I understand you simply did not know any better a prime example of your company and why they have problems.
"Trained in hippa"? You can't even spell it.
Not a "knifepoint" employee by a long shot...I just come here to see fellow Danvillians make fools of themselves.
I have to wonder how much sub-standard medical care figures in.....
Quite a bit, most of the research that I have read over the years indicate that areas that have research, non-profit,or especially non-profit teaching facilities the population does better overall. Also areas that have reasonable work loads, like DRMC did have before lifepoint, do better. Access to income -danville has lost (minimum wage doesn't count) reasonable work loads - danville has lost (ex. lifepoint, Goodyear from 8-12 hr shifts) and Dan River always had bad loads and bad conditions.)
Lead to inability for extra activities that aid in weight management.
Junk yards in close proximity to , or in neighborhoods (the recycling center on Ferry road) and one that was on W Main all contribute to a decline in health.
Also people risk themselves to go somewhere else decent instead of this joke of a hospital known as lifepoint.
There is a lot more.
what research?
Thousands of peer reviewed articles
Pick one.
All good examples , and how/why do you think Annie Penn and Morehead are expanding their facilities and services....because of the failure of DRMC at the hand of lifepoint.
Amazing aint it? Surrounding hospitals are hiring, expanding, and adding services. Lifepoint is laying off and eliminating services.
YET the naysayers on this blog are considered "wrong" and "missing the point". Funny though how "YAWN", "I just come here to see fellow Danvillians make fools of themselves", and "Alas...paranoia rules supreme again" can't seem to come up with ONE good thing thats happened since Lfpt took over.
We need to band together as a group of citizens to put a stop to Humphreys and his underhanded ways. The employees of DRMC are just numbers to him, the patients are measured in terms of profits. He is more concerned with stockholders than patients. Check out: http://ousthumphreysdrmc.blogspot.com/ This CEO has got to go...
interesting that Morehead, part of Cone system,in Reidsville has closed it's birthing center and Womens/Childrens services due to a lack of demand in community.
why? because it is cost effective NOT to pour those costs into a underutilized, poorly reimbursed service line/product
I guess if LPNT/DRMC also did,the local militia would roll out and the majority of clients using these services in Danville (self pay, medicaid) would riot in the streets.
Can't wait until Danville discovers soon, it will need (should already have) an EMS service that is paid and users are charged a fee for service.
Amen! Voice of reason!
Band together as a group of citizens....the British are coming, the British are coming. What a bunch of numbnuts.
Hey Mikey...why not just waltz in to Humphrey's office and tell him how you feel?
"due to a lack of demand in community."
That would be because Annie Penn is mostly concentrating on taking care of people properly , birthing center activities are generally "planned" situations a drive 20 miles or less to Cone is not a problem. Your arguement is extremely weak.
"due to a lack of demand in community."
It's not lack of demand it's demand for the safest service.
It's far safer for the hospital and the patient to have ALL of the possibly needed services available.
unlike Danville.
Danville has cut ,and will continue to cut, services with no venue for correction such as Annie Penn has with it's parent hospital Cone (and in extreme emergencies (Duke and Baptist)
Only people that sit around and accept degredation of life quality are "numbnuts" How much have you been off of yours today ?
Danville does need paid EMS however it should be run out of the Fire Stations by the Fire Dept.
However City council will not start an unpopular war in an economically depressed region and enter into a contract for service with a pathetic, unethical corporation such as lifepoint.
Hey maybe we should restrict access to the Yahoo stock boards for you...seems you're more in your league right here on the good ol' blog.
I've received my economics/ accounting degree and a great deal of travel, EMS/fire and Hospital(DRMC) nursing experience and I've done auditing in multiple cities and counties.
But obviously you're God's gift to everything,
People like you are the biggest problem in danville no realization of how bad the surrounding environment is suffering.
One clarification to common sense, Morehead is in Eden and is not part of the Cone system. Our Birthing Center is open and doing well and receives patients from (in adddition to Eden) Danville, Martinsville, Reidsville, and other nearby localities. Women's health is traditionally a 'break even' service line at best; however, it is considered a service line leader, as women make most of the health decisions for their families, so if they are happy, it often brings return patients for other service lines.
"The top ten list of quotes about people who complain"
1. People who complain all the time are unhappy people. If you hang out with a complainer it will suck all the life right out of you.
Anyone want to add to the list?
2.Those who complain about the way the ball bounces are often the ones who dropped it!
Yes we all know Eden is not part of the Cone system..... duh.
"Anyone want to add to the list?"
Try this:
"Those who cannot recall history are doomed to repeat it"
Not everyone who is outraged at the stupidity of lifepoint is a complainer.
Stating the obviously inept nature of a disgraceful company is a truthful statement not complaining.
If you don't recall how lifepoint screws employees over they will do it again.
Remeber the reassignment pool?
now it's reorganization- once celebrated lab - slashed.
Excellent blood donor system - gone.
Numerous, numerous RN, environmental, lab, CNA, secretarial, and food service jobs GONE.
However the leeches of lifepoint that make huge salaries has grown , it's a shame they produce NOTHING and care for no-one. You see, you have to cut staff to secure your own bonuses.
And they never answer e-mails or calls.
Keep believing them and forgetting what they have done and continue to do and you'll see and you'll be the "unhappy people."
We're only sad that you don't see the obvious.
3.When a complainer has a legitimate complaint you can't take them serious, because they complain about everything all the time. You don't know when its a serious complaint or just another gripe.
"You don't know when its a serious complaint or just another gripe."
1. You don't know whose writing these to know if it's one or many complaints.
2. Patients continue to complain quietly by going elsewhere.
3. Some complain to the staff - LOUDLY and aggressively.
4. If you don't realize there is a problem with lifepoint and the healthcare "industry" and that the entire U.S. is hurting because of hospitals like lifepoint....
well you're as ignorant as the people who sold something they didn't own and created a problem that they didn't understand.
ok, calling all unsatisified RN, come to Duke..starting salary $35/hr, with sign on bonus....
4. They are always willing to point out the problem, but never willing to be part of a viable solution. Do not ask them to help, its just their job to point out what is wrong.
Thanks for the suggestion on the Yahoo! LPNT Finance board. I sold yesterday and made $85,000. The stock was UP $1.95 per share. Considering I pad 24.50 a share. Please, what is your next pick? YOU ROCK!....I made a ton on Province Healthcare also, you know, the ones that merged with LPNT.............
"Mikejarman said...
We need to band together as a group of citizens to put a stop to Humphreys and his underhanded ways."
Hey Mikey...not much action on your attempt at a blog. May be you should remain among the complainers right here!
Sincerely doubt you owned more than 13,000 shares of stock. DOn't Danvillians stop counting at 20, when they're out of fingers and toes?
I suggest you learn about the two Colleges that are located in Danville one of which has very high clout.
Alot of the "complainers" attended one or both of these colleges and realize that danville (and pittsylvania county) is a corrupt joke . That would be the main reason not many grads stay here afterwords.
mike jarman, do you work at drmc?
Ref: 13,000 shares....
You do realize "the internet" go far beyond the city limits of Danville.....right?
That is to imply we are not all locals.......
Maybe it is the other 50+ campuses who've helped my ROA.
Nah, I'm sure DRMC has helped also. Thanks again.
Curious, what were the reasons given, if any, for the "right-sizing"?..............
And, who is this "Jess" you speak of?
calling all unsatisified RN, come to Duke..starting salary $35/hr, with sign on bonus....
What is not mentioned is these are the least desirable positions, nights,weekends, holidays, yipee... can hardly wait to drive all those miles, use precious gas,float to whatever floor is short staffed, to make that $$
5. "complainers can always "one-up" you and always have something worse than you. If you tell them that you had a tooth pulled at the dentist, it just so happens they had to have 4 root canals the same day. If your dog gets hit by a car, it just so happens that their dog was mauled on the front lawn by a lion, while the kids were wathching of course!"
Hmm.........still haven't heard from mikejarman.... if you are so bold to insert your REAL name, why is your PROFILE on your blog blank?????
"5. "complainers can always "one-up" you and always have something worse than you"
OK Letterman wanna be, you should leave the lists to David.
Obviously you fit your own category as you've tried to "one up" every opinion on the blog.
Thank you, LPNT ! I, too, recently sold stock and added $23,000 to my son's college fund. Yes, I feel good about this.
Please continue to post. I have been working at finding ways to make the CEO's life miserable. He is non-responsive to patient complaints and truly does not care. My site is ousthumphreysdrmc.blogspot.com Please feel free to read and comment. We need to get rid of this menace and find someone who really does care.
"We need to get rid of this menace and find someone who really does care."
That would be a NON-profit Facility.
As long as "profit" is in the mix lifepoint will be lifepoint.
With all due respect, I don't think an effort to oust the captain of one ship in the navy is going to defeat the navy.
And, looking back at the past almost-three years, how many CEOs have we had. Does that position REALLY exert total influence over our situation? I would venture to say no.
"Mikejarman said...
I have been working at finding ways to make the CEO's life miserable."
Is this the most mature way to approach this?
Hey Mikey...thanks for destroying the intent of this blog...not supporting it. Dum__ss.
Best way to Rid danville of the menace of lifepoint is to have a citizen group (a REAL one) demand that City Council and the City of Danville buy the facility back and either affiliate or resell to a no-profit teaching organization.
Or to offer land to one of the non-profits around danville with incentives if they will locate here and then the people will decide and we will be rid of this MENACE.
Oh here we go again!! Geez would you please realize that is NOT going to happen. Are you living in la la land?? And who would be in this REAL citizens group?? You of course, and all those other fools who only want to bring danville down. Do YOU have land you want to GIVE to a non for profit? Because they sure aren't going to be buying it!! Lets see, lets get all these people who have no clue about anything outside their own little world to run our hospital and dictate what will happen in our town. Maybe there is a reason we have "elected officials".
Maybe if you can come up with a solution that is intelligent, realistic and workable,you might get some people on your side.
I for one would never want to be associated with someone who posts under a fake name and goes out of their way to make "the Ceo's life miserable".
Very mature behavior mikey, I sure want you sitting on that citizens group!!! Now THAT is really a scary thought!
D.Letterman here
6. Complainers feel that their "gift" or "talent" from God is complaining and pointing out whats wrong. I suggest they do what the one talent man did in the Bible and go bury their talent in a hole! (Matthew 25:14-30)
Two problems here Lifepoint must be willing to sale the Hospital for Danville to get it back. For another Hospital to be built the state must aprove the Certificate of need. A citizens group can not force lifepoint do anything. The only way to get these guys out is for everyone to boycot the hospital this is the only way to drive them out.
"Are you living in la la land?? "
If danville can give away millions for minimum wage jobs they can afford to run lifepoint out.
"A citizens group can not force lifepoint do anything. The only way to get these guys out is for everyone to boycot the hospital this is the only way to drive them out."
Exactly what I meant.
The only folks going now are ones who can't go anywhere else and one's like the "la la land" idiot who doesn't recognize the problem.
"La la land" read sometime why don't you ?
Lifepoint was run out of Needles by a "city"
"Complainers feel that their "gift" or "talent" from God is complaining and pointing out whats wrong." (Biblical qoute)
Funny , you are doing the same thing !
Does anyone know why Dr. Thompson from IMA is leaving Danville? Another decent doctor gone.
Mikey Jarman's so proud of his post, he won't allow posts. what a stud.
OK someone fill me in. Whats up with the blood donor program? I saw the Bloodmobile headed south on 29 towards Reidsville. Are we scrapping the bloodmobile? Or is it just you can't "bank" blood anymore for yourself and relatives? How much of a cost savings could this amount to?
Internal Medicine Associates
101 Holbrook St Suite A, Danville - (434) 792-4041
Call the office DIRECTLY if you need to know why Dr Thompson is leaving.
Reason 1 that they all left- lifepoint !!
Any responses to the fact that during National Hospital Week this year, DRMC will no long have a picnic for it's "valuable employees" but instead will have "nurses night out" at the Courtyard. The rest of the employees will get an ice cream social, most likely freeze pops with "you suck" written on the sticks. "PRIDE IN NURSING" "PRIDE IN DRMC", good way to get the rest of the employees on board. Just in time to get some positive feedback on those surveys!
What a slap in the face to those who work just as hard,many with more education and more 'work ethic" so nurses can do their jobs.
Looks like lifepoint is doing whatever in can to insure the downfall of DRMC.
"How to win friends and influence people"!!!!
You should be thankful you're not expected to serve a meal to the O's after all it is National Hospital Week and they ARE the hospital aren't they?
A nurse
Albuquerque, NM
April 9, 2008
They are doing the same type of things at our little New Mexico hospital. We can't even get RNs for the Med-Surg/Tele areas unless they're new grads. Then of course, they give them 6-8 patients each and burn them out until they move away! That leads to travel nurses, of which we have way too many for a city that has a school of nursing. Well, now the union 1199 has dropped in for personal visits at the nurses' homes. Why, no one at the top cares. Oh, they do listen, and they are "there for us" but all we get is lip service. Has anyone out there had a hospital worker union take over at a LFPT hospital. We'd love to know how it's going. Thanks for listening to my story: we need help here.
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Feb 23, 2008
The LifePoint hospital in Lake Havasu City, AZ is just as bad. I recently quit my job because I was completely fed up with the corporate BS that was forced down the throats of the employees and patients. I have decided if you want to be treated as a valuable asset to an organization, the only way to go is work for a nonprofit health care facility which is exactly what I plan to do. From what I've learned thus far, LifePoint seems to take over hospitals in rural areas and turn them into a monopoly because patients have no other options when there is a true emergency.
the truth
Tuesday Apr 29, 2008
Somerset KY
your entry would have been a good one except for the bed situation. Mr seraphine does not give ER any advantage to obtaining a bed. The ER has been very understaffed and yet we are forced to hold patients in the ER because there is no beds. Some patients actually spent their entire hospital stay in the emergency room, meaning they were admitted and then discharged the next day by their regular doctor. So don't go talking about things that you do not know, unless you have worked in the ER for any amount of time you have no idea what an emergency room is like. every other place in the hospital can refuse new patients due to inadequates staffing or their beds all become full. The Emergency room does not have this luxury and is one of the most challenging places that you can work in the hospital setting. we cannot shut the doors down and keep people from coming in no matter how full or bad it gets. plus we see patients that are not stable enough to be kept in this hospital. patients from 3 days to 103 years old all with problems from ankle sprains to cardiac arrest and impending death. If anything the should get some bump in bed selection but this is not the case.
How is doing away with the blood donor program a cost saving measure?
My guess is no storage needed and that's DANGEROUS for patients, being suceptible to the whims of other organizations.
good lord what a bunch of amateurs.
If you are refering to management at LFPT, I concur>
Under lifepoint we've had to wait on blood to come from Roanoke or elsewhere SEVERAL times. Didn't happen under DRMC.
"Under lifepoint we've had to wait on blood to come from Roanoke or elsewhere SEVERAL times. Didn't happen under DRMC."
obviously someone does't know the facts, it happens and has happened regardless, ordering blood has several factors involved and the LAB makes every effort to keep supply and demand equal! it can't be helped if patients go bad or serveral need blood at one time and the supply gets used up, maybe if more people (including DRS) promoted blood donation these issue wouldn't come up. it still wouldn't account for the occasional time when a rare type is needed and the whole country must be searched in order to locate a donor who must be called in order to save someone's life, in that case, yeah someone will wait!!!!
Yeah you're right I don't know. I've stood in ICU for HOURS pouring Hespan and NaCl into patients to keep up their pressure and hoping they didn't die before lifepoint decided they needed blood and had the MD's screaming at the blood bank for the last two units of "x" blood type because lifepoint "doesn't do it like DRMC did" Yeah Danville ran out sometimes, but that was a national need not a greed need.
People have already stopped donating to lifepoint because of the greed and apathy of lifepoint.
Obviously you don't know the facts ,take care of a patient once in a while. Oh and by the way while one dies from complications.
There's no one else to check on your other 2 patients who are critical because lifepoint doesn't see a problem with 3:1 ICU's.
Every other National organizationa and NON profit facility does, even the Government has had hearings on understaffingby FOR profit hospital systems .
so another RUTHless apopinted director was removed from her position. What dies this say for the judgement of LPNT leadership. Evidently if your heart beats you qualify as a nursing director correct?
Was the last comment in regards to the one just removed(Baird) or the one replacing her (Jamison) ?
Or could it be the OTHER one who resides on 2A?
Must be 2A Jamison is top notch.
It was meant for Baird...most knew she would fail. She lacked judgement and personal skill as a supervisor and RUTHless knew it. But the position had to be filled. As for her replacement I don't know if she will be any better. When Baird was appointed I am sure those that hired her knew they would be long gone by the time the damage was done. Just like on 3B. Do what feels good at the moment and don't worry about the consequences to patient quality care of staff satisfaction. I have seen this method of management over and over again over the last few years.
what happened to the mistake hire don 2A I have not heard? She never should have been welcomed back.
what happened to the mistake hire don 2A I have not heard? She never should have been welcomed back.
who came back to 2A???
Martha Hopkins. You have some real leadership on 2A between her and Pam Compton. All they do is stay in the smoking area. You never see them out on the unit looking at patient care, or the lack of it. Hands on leadership that knows what is going on is needed.
Is it true that M. Hopkins is the Director of 2A again. Who put her in that position. She was ineffective that last time.
What happened to Baird?
I'm assumin these folks aren't outsiders. What's the matter...locals can't manage either?
Must be right. Apparently there hasn't been good management there in quite a while.
There we're a few , they left.
The remaining talent is stiffled by lifepoint bully tactics and stupidity.
Used to come here for comedy relief...now even that's gone.
You are right those who were talented, able and strong left and those who knew no better stayed or returned. The remaining nursing directors andtheir clinical side kicks are worthless and always have been. They know how to talk a good game, hang at the smoke dock or cheryl brumfields desk. they know little about nursingpractice or patient care.
You are right those who were talented, able and strong left and those who knew no better stayed or returned. The remaining nursing directors andtheir clinical side kicks are worthless and always have been. They know how to talk a good game, hang at the smoke dock or cheryl brumfields desk. they know little about nursingpractice or patient care.
well, another ED director has come and gone.....sharon branam has left the building.
now,will the next contestant on ED Director Roulette please step forward.....and the winner is < ROBIN KELLER > .
Now, ladies and gentlemen,place your guesses as to when her last day will be. Accepting 30 pieces of silver isn't he way to go, Judas.
OMG...the chamelion!!
What happened to Sharon? I am glad I got out when I did. I thought things were bad then...
LifePoint locked Dr. Joel Singer out of his office today. He was told he could return on Wednesday to pack his personal items. His scheduled surgeries have been postponed. Wonder what LifePoint's agenda is with this action against Dr. Singer?
Last I had heard on Dr Singer was that Lifepoint was making it very hard on him and were considering hiring a Neuro guy from Lynchburg that had multiple malpractice suits against him. They were "getting a good deal!"
He is an ass but at least he's talented .
lifepoint on the other hand ,well , there aren't enough descriptive words for pathetic in any book anywhere in the world to describe lifepoint.
Say bye bye to the last neuro surgeon in Danville
I hope no one needs one anytime soon....
As for managers , no one will ever be good enough for lifepoint, no one is stupid enough for them.
Do you really think that Robyn Keller would take the Director position??? She would be nuts to take that career suicide move. Lifepoint could care less about their patients. They care even less about their employees. Here's a little info for anyone who knows anything about the ED....they interviewed Autumn Yates/Moorefield??? to come back!!!! So, is this showing you that management doesn't care about their patients or what???
Apparently Singer's firing has to do with harrasment issues. He has been warned in the past. He sold his practice to the hospital and when you "get in bed" with LifePoint you give up control. It's too bad he can't do his scheduled surgeries. Certainly not a great situation for the patients. It won't be easy finding a neurosurgeon to relocate to Danville any time soon.
Too bad the lady from Ridgeway who got snake bit had to go to Lifepoint in M'ville. They didn't even call poison control center, they just called UVA to come get her. She may have survived had M'ville atleast started the anti-venom before shipping her out...what's that?? She didn't have insurance...............@#%$
I heard that they did give her anti-venom at M'ville also.
If the nneurosurgeon from Lynchburg is the one i've read about Danville should want NOTHING to do with him.
But lifepoint is as lifepoint does STUPID...
As for Singer it was just a matter of time I've witnessed and verbally retalliated to his tyrades.
So...we'll take an ass like Singer and still find a way to criticize the hospital for getting rid of him. A good doctor doesn't berate others. ODn't care what kind of surgical alent he has, he;s not a good doctor if he does these things.
You're right part of being a good surgeon,RN,etc.... is acting in a proper manner, no matter how skilled you are.
you often don't know the real person behind those
"poster child" pictures of certain employees. Robin is just another one of these and had a price. Cheap, but a price all the same! Chameleon is a good choice of words in this case.
Singer, well, the talent he may have is far outweighed by his SLEAZY behavior + rude mouth that many female employees had been SEXUALLY HARASSED by. Thank you LifePoint for dealing effectively with this monster.
So many other administrators turned their heads. Kudos to LPNT for finishing the issue.
As for the ED..Robin is a strong clinician but lacks maturity in other ways and will surely fail as a Director!
Singer didn't just harrass the female employees he harrassed EVERYBODY. Cussed, screamed, berated,refused phone calls about SICK patients etc....On the other hand Dr Murphy was AWESOME, too bad she's gone lifepoint is so pathetic they can't even tell good from evil....
And we have no surgeon(neuro) maybe a quack with tons of malpractice baggage?
Hmmm hope nobody gets sick in danville
None of the currently practicing neurosurgeons in Lynchburg have any "tons of malpractice" baggage as stated above. Maybe you can't, but I can check the National Practicioner database to see claims made, etc.
Hey LFPT is slowly but surely getting exactly what they wanted all along, a bunch of mind numbed robots who will do exactly what they're told. People with ethics, morals, and who cared, left of their own accord, choosing NOT to LOWER their standards. Those who couldn't be controled are now being pushed out. Its a shame but it is what it is. If it's not what you want, blame the Fab 5....their lack of research and personal greed created this. Yet, amazingly not one person has the guts to publicly question them.
Sorry, I should have said "practiced in Lynchburg", this is what I had heard-very reliable source.
kudos to lpnt for getting rid of Singer but I think it probably had more to do with the costs they would have interred had he stayed. I am sure they have paid a settlement or would have to a harrassed employee.
FINALLY,,good riddence to joel singer...this was long, long, long overdue!!!!
Yep, had more than my share of toe-to-toe fights with him because of him being an ass.
I've witnessed him being a butt, but I think it's more important to have a neurosurgeon in Danville. They should have hired one before letting him go!!! How's the ED doing? Wait times better? Enough coverage? Until Lifepoint gets off their tail this is what it is!!!
you're right definitely leaves lifepoint open for a negligence suit not having a neurosurgeon,
ER still onderstaffed ICU still understaffed. oh wait it's lifepoint.
lifepoint needs to be gone.
Dr.Singer is not gone. They just moved him to the sister lifepoint hospital in Martinsville. He will practice there.
places may be understaffed but positions are OPEN...
who cares where Singer is just so he is NOT at DRMC
He WON't be in danville so there is no surgeon in danville and open positions are no good when NO one will work there in the unholy mess that is lifepoint.
What an f'd up bunch of hypocrites...
Who Lifepoint???
As far as comments about me. 1 - I do not work for lifepoint and 2- I have talked with Humphreys, he just refused to respond to legitimate complaints. My complaints have been filed with the the state. He is required to respond within 30 days, but won't. This is just the beginning. The problems I ran into at this hospital were unbelievable. Humphreys needs to go.
I mistakenly didn't allow comments on www.ousthumphreysdrmc.blogspot.com That problem is fixed now.
F'd up hypocrites....no, not LifePoint, the bloggers above my post saying "what an f'd up bunch of hypocrites."
SO, when is the ER going to be fixed?? I thought LP corporate was here in April to fix the ER. What happened????
Or is the fix getting rid of Sharon and giving the ER to Robin??!!??
What happened to Sharon? Did they show her the door?
Ugh, Robin in charge of the ER....is that true?
I hope not.
Yes, Judas ( Robin) is in charge of the ER now. Barts and secretary looking for new jobs.Feel the tension and see how strained it is to work with each other.
Also, Martha Hopkins will now have 2A and 4A as Stanfield has new position. Now that Hopkins has 2 units will she spend twice as much time across the street smoking?Make that 3x as much...forgot about that crazy mixed up work-when-you-want-to float pool.
"SO, when is the ER going to be fixed?? I thought LP corporate was here in April to fix the ER. What happened????
Or is the fix getting rid of Sharon and giving the ER to Robin??!!??"
I assumed that the ER problems were fixed. After all, the citizens commission or health leadership council or whatever the heck they called themselves is no longer in existence. Since that was the only thing that they ever really tried to "check on", you'd think the job was done and we could all relax that there is no issue with our hospital, right?
What is it going to take to get attention back on LPNT and the DRMC debacle in the community?????
Is it just me, or is there an increase in the number of helicopter transports lately?
Can someone at the DLSC confirm this?
My family member was sent out by air because of NO NEUROSURGEON , for a very,very minor stroke ,Wonder if lifepoint will pay the extra 7k for their lack of care.She was back home in 3 days thank God.
there is no requirement for DRMC to have a neurosurgeon or many of the other specialists.Note I said requirement......it is certainly better for the health of our community though.
However, if you did not endure the behavior of Singer then you have no idea what a nasty ogre he is.Many previous attempts at disciplining him did not have much effect.It is so much better that he is no longer practicing at DRMC.
Barts should have NEVER been in that position anyways. As for Debbie, that's too bad. She is a hard worker and keeps up with a lot of stuff.
From what I hear the Board of Ethics should be looking very closely at the relationships between some of the staff in the hospital and some of the doctors. Take your privates lives elsewhere,not in the stairwell,not on the phones right at the nurse stations. For Heavens sake, get a room!!! Lord, please help this place.
"if you did not endure the behavior of Singer then you have no idea....."
I do... I went toe-to-toe with him more than once as charge RN.
Truly an ass and unfit to hold the title he possesses.
Too bad Dr. Murphy is gone, she was awesome.
I have seen and heard that as well about the inappropriate relationships,As well as inappropriate relationships with subordinates, Dont forget about those. which ones are you referring to?
Who's sleeping with who at DRMC???
A) Doctors and Nurses
B) Techs and Doctors
C) A & B & D & E
D) Not married
E) Married
In Nursing school they always said, "if you're not sure of an answer, always pick C!"
DRMC has lost a valuable neurosurgeon!! I have worked with him for a long time, as well many other N.S. It is a loss, to "us"as a hospital. He is an EXCELLENT N.S. Someone who did not operate on a 98 year old just because it "may/or may not help".
No matter what may/might be said, He is someone who TRUELY cared about the patient and family. Yes, he is abrubt and I have have had my "confrontations" with him as well. However, I know he is "in charge" of his patient and ALWAYS makes the BEST and CORRECT decision for his patients!! This leaves DRMC without a GREAT
N.S! Where does this leave DRMC now? We were a level 1 trauma, now, less surgeries, in-patients, consults, revenue and possibly death to OUR neighbors! While waiting to "ship" to an ER, ICU or surgical unit, YOUR family member could lose valuable time!! DRMC cannot afford to lose any more physicians, staff or patients. WE must stick together and give our neighbors and family the best care possible!!
hmmm...you're turning into a bunch of in-breds!!
You say the "in-bred" thing because why???
If you're equating DRMC with a level 1 you're nuts.
Maybe a Level 1 DRAMA center.
Can anyone explain the shake up in the ED? and please explain to me why they gave Hopkins more responsibility? My God we all knew she should never ever have been invited back. It has got to be difficult to run two floors when your office is across the street in the smoke dock. Oh yes your worthless, lazy assistant is always by your side versus actually being available to staff and patients.
Never has the ED at DRMC, either before LifePoint or after, held any level trauma designation.
Thank you to the previous poster who also recognizes Ms Hopkins' (and others) off-campus office.Makes you wonder if she will ever make it upstairs to see what 4A looks like!
When will those who can change this notice?
They don't change it because they're desperate for ANY leadership!
The CNO and Hopkins are very tight so her leadership position is a done deal.
Re: Singer: He is a great neuro surgeon. However, his behavior was out of control. He had been reprimanded on several occasions for his behavior (with staff and with his patients)and was ultimately put on final notice. It was never an issue of whether DRMC owned his practice or not. Sexual harrasment is illegal. The risk he posed with his behavior far out weighed the benefits of keeping him on staff.
Re: Keller: She was brought back to DRMC after heavy pressure from a certain physician to rehire her. The decision to bring her back was made by Ruthless.
Re: Hopkins: Again, decision to bring her back was made by Ruthless - even though many had warned her against making that rehire. However, MH is a smart opportunist, as is your Director of Psych - master manipulators.
I am sad for the community and for the many good employees that remain at DRMC - who go to work terrified of the execs and master manipulators.
The inept stupidity and obvious lack of: corporate ethics, corporate morality, business and managerial training, and absoluetly no desire to be a good corporate neighbor in the community are all trademarks of lifepoint.
lifepoint seriously needs TO GO AWAY.
RUTHless made appointments to positions and maintained certain individuals with no respect to their abilities, education and committment to hard work and quality of care. The damage this woman left will be far reaching for years. She drove away talented, hard working individuals who lost their voice and ability to effect change because while others were drinking their coffee, plotting to gain more power, smoking and oh most importantly "kissing ass" hard working individuals committed to quality worked endlessly to give this organization hope and positive direction. Most of those individuals either left on their own volition or were forced to leave. This drain of quality/experience will take years to replace. the appointment and retention of incompetence in management/leadership positions will render damage for years. I sadly wonder if this organization can repair the damage of this one RUTHless individual let alone the many others of Lifepoint.
I try to look objectively and feel some I have met from coorporate have value and insight with a committment to quality but unfortunately those who wield the power form on high granted power to that woman that caused destruction beyond repair. I am saddened to know her abilities to create havoc and will be spread to other communities and other hospitals. Who suffers? The patients lying in beds who will never meet her that have no understanding of how decisions made in an office sipping starbucks leads to their demise.
Amazing how the opinions of so few seem to bear such weight. What a bunch of amateur, stupid, blue-collar, entitlement-born individuals. Why not quit today and "not give DRMC no more nevermind."
1st of all, "blue collar" is who supports rhe world, NEVER forget that.
Second of all, hardly "stupid"
There are probably more college degrees held by "blue collar" nurses and support staff in danville than anywhere else in danville except for the 2 colleges of which you obviously:
1. never visited
2. didn't listen
3. didn't study
Entitled ? Yep, the "blue collars" in danville worked, sweated,volunteered and were forced to contribute at times to build it so that 5 "white collar criminals" could sell it.
Get a clue and learn something or just leave, whichever.
Oh, I left the punctuation and grammar incorrect so that you would assimilate it better.
Now if Lifepoint will just get rid of the tall black woman on the 5th floor that sits behind the desk and is TOTALLY useless. I won't mention a name, but she is the one with the curls and bad attitude. When told of patient issues, she somehow refuses to get the word to the nurses on the floor.
that 5th floor secretary is G-O-N-E !
If that 5th floor secretary is gone, then that is the only sane thing done by this hospital recently. Now we need to get rid of Humphreys
This is my first visit to this blog. I found it by googling DRMC.
I am a 20-something female with a family and reside in Pittsylvania county. I made up my mind last year that if I myself or a member of my family ever required hospitalization that we would seek alternate care.
Just this past week I was in need of emergency medical attention. My husband drove me the 30-45 minutes down Berry Hill Road to Morehead Hospital in Eden. We were both amazed at the level of care that I received there. I never even sat in the waiting room in the ER and the nurses were all very attentive and courteous, as were the physicians. I will seek any future ER care in Eden from here on out.
I would rather die in the car on the way to Eden than to die sitting in the waiting room at DRMC.
With Barts' resignation, who do you think will step in to be Robyn's sidekick???
I don't know who will step in, but it would definitely be an improvement no matter who!!! Barts is one of the most unprofessional professionals, that I have ever met.
The 5th floor secretary is back. Guess she hollored discrimination!
Incompetence knows no color.
I spent 6 days on the 5th floor with a patient. I saw first hand what a useless piece of sh// the secretary is. Keeping her at DRMC is ridiculous. Letting her go can in no way be considered discrimination, she is 100% incompetent, arrogant towards the patients, and is detrimental to the well-being of those unfortunate enough to be assigned to the 5th floor. She is the only employee at DRMC worse than Humphreys.
Yeee Ha!!!
Barts is gone???.....OR do you mean she has gone across the street to smoke???
Let's get together and boycott the cafeteria until they serve decent food again. Higher prices and food that you cannot eat! Maybe then they will get the idea.
Just what is the cafeteria situation?I am going to be forced to be with a patient for a few days and would like to know about the food availability and coffee.
Needless to say,I am not looking forward to this but feel I need to be there for the patients safety.
From WBTM Website:
Imagine that.
lifepoint is so very good at digging their own hole . To bad they suck at running a hospital. They'd probably be good at euthanasia.
We all already know about Humphreys and crew & their gross mismanagement. Here is a link to the local paper for an article printed today. http://www.godanriver.com/gdr/news/local/article/ahead_of_the_bell_lifepoint_hospitals_downgraded/4337/
Please paste article link doesn't work
From Wire Reports
Published: June 12, 2008
NEW YORK (AP) - A Lehman Brothers analyst said Thursday that LifePoint Hospitals Inc. is struggling to raise patient admissions and recruit new doctors, and he downgraded the hospital operator’s stock.
Adam Feinstein said some would-be patients are delaying procedures because of concerns about the economy, and LifePoint is spending more to recruit physicians. Those problems threaten the company’s ability to meet Wall Street expectations, he said in downgrading the stock to “Equal Weight” from “Overweight.”
LifePoint expects to earn between $2.35 and $2.65 per share in 2008. While Feinstein said that outlook is conservative, he said investors are already assuming the Brentwood, Tenn., company will reach the middle of that range — which could prove to be more difficult than they expect.
According to Thomson Financial, analysts expect an average of $2.46 per share, with forecasts ranging from $2.25 per share to $2.65 per share.
Feinstein said LifePoint stock may come under pressure if it can’t reach its admission targets even if it matches it profit forecast. Shares finished at $28.94 Wednesday.
Calls to LifePoint seeking comment were not immediately returned.
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