Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This one should be of particular interest to readers of this blog. Contact your legislators and give them your feedback on Danny Marshall's bill.

HB1037: Sale or conversion of nonprofit hospitals; public hearing.
§ 32.1-127.4. Certain hospital conversions.
A. The administrator or owner of any nonprofit hospital that is entering into a contract for sale of the hospital to a for-profit entity or planning to restructure to convert such nonprofit hospital to a for-profit hospital, at least six months prior to the execution of a contract for sale or the filing of the articles of incorporation as a for-profit corporation, shall hold a public hearing in the locality where the hospital is located and present the following: (i) any changes to be made in the staffing of the hospital and (ii) a business plan explaining how the sale or conversion will affect the community.
B. If, following the conversion of such nonprofit hospital, a private foundation is established in connection with the for-profit hospital, no previous member of the nonprofit hospital board of directors shall serve on such foundation's board of directors.


Anonymous said...

Contact Delegates Merricks, Armstrong and others...let them know what this law would have meant to the citizens of southside three years ago.

Also, contact Hurt in the Senate...ask him to watch for this bill after crossover.

Ask what we can do to help show citizen support for this measure. You'd be surprised how many delegates and senators review bills that they have not received any feedback from their constituents on.

Anonymous said...

Also, make sure you stand behind Danny Marshall in the coming months and years. I am sure this stand will raise the ire of the bank boys and they will not take kindly to it. This blog has often mentioned how the boys were able to keep our communitites under their thumb. It took a bit of courage for Danny Marshall to present this bill and we should support him for that. Don't forget the hard time Coy Harville caught from the fab five, and he is just a supervisor.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone who has been personally affected by the travesty of the sale of DRMC should support this legislation and email or mail Danny their support, as well as other delegates and the governor. Danny may have signed his death warrant as a delegate when he is up for reelection. The bank boys don't take kindly to public condemnation or the light of scrutiny. We all should support Del Marshall and applaud his courageous act.

Anonymous said...

I wrote to Delegate Marshall today voicing my support as a former Danville physician. He was appreciative and mentioned that a member of the hospital board had already called to complain. He felt this was a good sign, and I agreed. Just FYI

Anonymous said...

"a member of the hospital board had already called to complain. "

Well, he must have struck a nerve.


Anonymous said...

How about the newspaper?? How come such a signifcant piece of legislation is not mentioned? Any letters to the editor?

Anonymous said...

please hospital insiders share with us on the outside (either community members or old employees ) what is happening. What are the issues form the inside? Do you have the resources, what is going on wit the food service, are surgery numbers going up or down?, what is th epersentage of contract or agency staff on the rolls? The new CEO how does he manage..has he moved to the community to stay, where is anderson living now? What is the new CNO's take on nursing practice and dealing with the physicians, etc. Since the blog was blocked at the hospital we ar enot being kept informed. Are the staff that afraid of being silenced?

Anonymous said...

For anyone that subscribes to the print version of the Register & Bee...has there been any coverage of Danny's bill and the history behind it?

Anonymous said...

Nope and with the spineless bunch that owns the City ( they do just like their fathers did)you never will. You see the thing that spineless liar's and thieves hate the most is the truth , and the truth is they are CROOKS and FOOLS therefore there will be NO print as this would bring deception and stupidity to light.