Thursday, December 13, 2007

Healthcare Leadership Council meets

Healthcare Leadership Council met last night...issued the following press release. Seen any thought-provoking coverage in the local media?


Healthcare Leadership Council meets, establishes its Vision and receives report on ICU Staffing from DRMC

Danville, VA, December 12, 2007 -- Chairman Don Nodtvedt stated: “The primary objective of the meeting was accomplished as we established the council’s simple yet critical vision:

It is the vision of the Healthcare Leadership Council to strengthen the trust and restore the confidence of the community in DRMC.

Subsequent Mission and Objective setting are planned for the January meeting.

The council also received a presentation from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of DRMC. Among other relevant points, the council was apprised of the active recruiting of 6 open positions, currently being covered by 4 agency nurses. This ICU nursing coverage is planned at an hourly contact staffing level which exceeds both the national and regional averages.

The next meeting is scheduled for mid January


Anonymous said...

Lifepoint wins again! A (free of Charge) local committee is going to work hard to restore confidence in DRMC. What has Lifepoint got to do????

Anonymous said...

"This ICU nursing coverage is planned at an hourly contact staffing level which exceeds both the national and regional averages."

Is this saying that staffing is above national and regional averages? Or is it saying that coverage for staffing is above national and regional averages?


Anonymous said...

Also is anyone addressing the competency of these traveling or agency staff?

Anonymous said...

"This ICU nursing coverage is planned at an hourly contact staffing level which exceeds both the national and regional averages."
This my friends is a lie.
First of "contact level" for an ICU is 24/7 not a few minutes every hour like lifepoint wants you to believe.If lifepoint was right there would be no ICU.
Second "mistruth"... "staffing level which exceeds both the national and regional averages"
Call around ask other hospitals employees from other states ,not just NC, ask past patients do some research. The statement is simply not true.

Anonymous said...

For those who are new, here's the latest on the Lifepoint/Needles fiasco. You can Google to get the whole story. This would not be a lot different then Lifepoint building a hospital in Durham, South Hill, Roanoke, or Hillsville and then closing DRMC and telling people to go to the new hospital.

Needles, LifePoint ending ties at desert city hospital
Shawbong Fok, Staff Writer
Article Launched: 12/14/2007 09:34:00 PM PST

NEEDLES - The city and LifePoint Hospitals Inc. announced Friday that they plan to end their relationship on operating the only hospital in the city.
The two parties said they agreed to transfer management of the city-owned facility back to either the city or another hospital operator on or before March 15. Needles officials also are in talks with San Bernardino County to assume the lease to manage the hospital.

Brentwood, Tenn.-based LifePoint Hospitals, which operates the 25-bed Colorado River Medical Center, previously announced that it would close its 24-hour emergency room Dec. 26 and direct acute-care patients 13 miles away to its Valley View Medical Center in Fort Mohave, Ariz.

Earlier this week, the city and LifePoint agreed to postpone the closing in the wake of San Bernardino County supervisors considering a partnership with LifePoint to keep the hospital afloat, including kicking in a subsidy to help offset costs. The supervisors are scheduled to continue their discussion of possible actions on Tuesday.

Barstow officials are opposed to the emergency room's closure because they say the closest in-state facility would be 95 miles away in Blythe.

Colorado River Medical Center serves 71,000 people in the tri-state area with about half the patients coming from California, Barstow officials said.

A bridge links Needles with Arizona, and occasional closures would keep California patients from getting to Valley View Medical Center.
"The bridge has already closed three times this past year," said Needles Councilman Roy Mills.

California, Nevada and Arizona

Anonymous said...

Yes, the new hospital they built is only 13 miles away, but the majority of the citizens there have "California" health insurance that is not accepted in Arizona. The closest "in state" hospital is 95 miles away.

Anonymous said...

The best thing that could happen is lifepoint give it up and the city take it over restart it as non-profit, that would be best here also.

Anonymous said...

And how long do you think it would be before the city went looking for another buyer?

Anonymous said...

The city didn't look for the first one . The good ole' boy network appointed a board that had no interest in the wellbeing of the city.With a multifaceted board that has NO power of sale without city/public input,this damnable mess wouldn't have happened .

Anonymous said...

well the damnable mess might be working better than you thought it was...the traffic on this blog is essentially nill and folk seem to be genuinely going about getting teh job done.
Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

WE always did the job jackass .
Sooner or later people resolve to the fact that this damnable mess is self limiting and it will resolve itself, the market has already dropped the traffic in DRMC to about 1/3rd of what it was and if you still think lifepoint is reputable READ and LEARN, they are DISGRACEFUL.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like DRMC is still full of want-a-bes. Pulled this up at a friends house. You're all still pathetic. Anyone hanging around and still whinning needs to go out and get a real job at a real hospital!!

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you something, I work at a larger hospital now after leaving DRMC, and at one time DRMC was just as good if not better than were I am now. The only pathetic person here is you for not caring what has been done by a few greedy individuals that made a lot of money in the name of doing good for the community.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blogspot and DRMC and Danville.

Anonymous said...

PARKERSBURG — Over the past year, St. Joseph’s Hospital has seen a change in ownership and has reached an important landmark in their on-site cardiac care.

In May, Signature Hospital Corporation completed its acquisition of St. Joseph’s Hospital from Lifepoint Hospitals after approval from the West Virginia Healthcare Authority and eight months of review. With the sale, St. Joseph’s became the fourth and largest facility in the Signature family.

‘‘(The sale allows) the hospital to continue providing $4.4 million to the local tax base annually,’’ said Jon McDowell, Chief Executive Officer for St. Joseph’s Hospital.

Signature has allowed local officials to make decisions locally in regards to care and services provided, McDowell said.

‘‘They have given us the leeway to operate the hospital locally and serve the community in the best way we see fit,’’ he said.

One of Signature’s first operational decisions was the installation a state-of-the-art digital imaging and picture archiving and communication system called PACS. The new system improved image quality, making it easier for physicians to access past records and to examine new images from remote locations.

McDowell said the PACS system has taken the hospital’s radiology department digital.

Hospital officials have said the PACS system is vastly superior to traditional film-based imaging systems.

Other new advances in technology include the “Orthopedic Navigation System” adding precision computer guidance to orthopedic surgeries and “Insights Engine,” a new technology unique to St. Joseph’s.

‘‘(Insights Engine) captures information from our caregivers as to their insights for enhancing care and safety,’’ McDowell said.

The 2007 St. Joseph’s Hospital Heart Ball in February benefited the newly developed Francis DeSales Health Foundation, a 501c3 organization that will continue the mission of Heart Ball by supporting health activities and cardiac wellness in the community. The yearly goal has been $20,000.

The Heart Ball began in 1998 and since that first event over $160,000 has been raised and returned to the community in funding for health careers and scholarships, heart education, wellness activities and cardiac equipment. The ball has help fund 11 AEDs (life-saving automatic external defibrillators) for the cities of Parkersburg and Belpre, St. Joseph’s Ambulance Service, the Parkersburg YMCA, Parkersburg YWCA, and Parkersburg Catholic, Parkersburg, Parkersburg South, Williamstown and Belpre high schools.

In 2007, the 14 doctors of the Mid-Ohio Valley Physicians joined the staff of St. Joseph’s Hospital. The hospital performed 600th Open Heart Surgery in October.

The hospital opened its heart center in 2004. The center, located in the hospital’s addition built in 2000, includes two cardiovascular operating rooms, a catheterization laboratory, a recovery area and the surgeons’ office.

This past month, Thoracic & Cardiovascular Associates Inc., who conducted many of St. Joseph’s Hospital’s open heart procedures, announced they were closing their Parkersburg office at 1824 Murdoch Ave., Suite 214, effective Jan. 1, 2008.

Officials at St. Joseph’s Hospital said the move will not affect local heart care.

‘‘It is not going to affect us because we have a permanent surgeon here who is a part of the Parkersburg Thoracic & Cardiovascular Associates,’’ McDowell said. ‘‘I am proud to announce that Dr. Khaja Moinuddeen has been named chief surgeon of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

‘‘Dr. Moinuddeen joined the staff at St. Joseph’s Hospital in October 2004 and has played a key role in the growth and success of St. Joseph’s open-heart program. We are proud to continue offering a full range of cardiac services to the community.’’

The only thing that will change is the doctors from Charleston will no longer be coming to Parkersburg, McDowell said.

‘‘Our surgeon is still here, performing surgery and nothing has really changed, other than the Charleston group will no longer come to Parkersburg,’’ he said. The Parkersburg Thoracic & Cardiovascular Associates will now be operating in the offices at 1824 Murdoch Ave., Suite 214.

‘‘In 2008, St. Joseph’s Hospital’s Open Heart Program will be operating independently with local surgeons practicing exclusively in Parkersburg,’’ McDowell said.

Other plans for 2008 include the return of business office functions to the area adding 20 jobs locally and the completion of improvements to the hospital’s parking garage, he said.

Wonder why they are so excited to be away from Lifepoint?

"Signature has allowed local officials to make decisions locally in regards to care and services provided,"

Anonymous said...

whoopty flipping do

goodbye blogspot goodbye

as it swirls down the toilet....

Anonymous said...

Right down the toilet with DRMC and lifepoint leadership.

Anonymous said...

Oh ye of little faith.There are still folks following this cluster and Lifepoint is still under a microscope nationally and locally, don't let the slow winter doldrums fool you. Besides, naturally posts on the blog are going down, more and more are leaving and either don't follow the blog any longer or just read whats happening to see what they are missing out on.

Anonymous said...

typical excuses.
call it good and shut it down.

Anonymous said...

posts on the blog have slowed down because those few who have hung there are afraid to speak. They have stayed either due to their contracts, or due to financial or family need. I talk to many who have worked there so long they can not find an equally paying position or can not commute the distance etc.

Anonymous said...

The above is 100% TRUE.
Danville has always been held back by The good ole boy network and until they are gone or a HUGE business moves in (won't happen ) danville will continue to be held down, that's why the 5 idiots didn't sell to Duke or Cone they didn't want to lose their playground......

Anonymous said...

You are CORRECT! The filthy five would be the nobodies they are in the eyes of Duke or Cone.

Anonymous said...

They're nobodies anyway, so what does it matter in whose eyes. You think Lifepoint sits around and talks about these guys? Ha!

Anonymous said...

"Bout time!


Anonymous said...

I was eating breakfast at IHOP the other morning. Two nurses from DRMC 3rd shift were sitting next to me. I have never heard such lambasting against an employer. They went on and on about how incompetent the dr. was and the house supervisor. How many mistakes were being made by nurses with no experience. How short supplies were. On and on and then I heard one say..."I don't care how much the agency is paying us, I am going to ask out of this contract so I can get out before I get sued." I asked them what dr. they were talking about and the reply was "the on duty hospitalist". So Lifepoint can put all the spin on the letters to the editor they want to...but it appears as if nothing has improved there but maybe the bottom line and executive bonuses.

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that hot meals will no longer be offered in the cafeteria? Heard that one last week, said ARA had been run off and meals would no longer be available to employees or visitors, just vending machine type food.

Anonymous said...

What those nurses were saying is quite true and most everyone who works there management and nonmanagment alike know it. but no one who is on the inside feels safe to discuss. Many people who have left have burnt their bridges and no longer wish to relive the hell. I watch the neighbor to neighbor campaign and am quite hit by the people they have choosen. Many are people who have earned reputations as less then desireable clinicians. the few who are respected within the organization are in management but most likely are either stuck due to contracts or can not uproot families etc. Most who have stayed will not be able to earn what they earn now anywhere nearby. thus relocaiton would need to occur. This does not create an environment of loyal employees but mostly captives.

Anonymous said...

Ironically I had the great fortune of running into three former nurse employees today. Two and been in management and one at the bedside.
They all greed that they were happier and professionally challenged at their new places of employeement. They all drive out of town for work and don't mind the drive.
They also said that the quality of care at DRMC was substandard and would tell anyone who asked.

Anonymous said...

What about the new CNO? Heard it was her way or no way and that she was not visible nor very communicative with her robot managers. Any truth to this or just gripes from the pit?

Anonymous said...

What changes has she instituted to improve? How is the moral of the nursing staff? Is she concerned with patient safety? Does she ever leave her office? The onlyone I can answer is the last one...I don't even know what she looks like. Maybe she should ge tout to the starbucks mingle.

Anonymous said...

seen NO improvement and the understaffed, underpaid for the region, staff is demoralized.
lifepoint destroyed this facility and it's the same story at every lifepoint according to every lifepoint ICU RN that i've spoken with.

Anonymous said...

The new CNO was undermined by RUTHless upon her arrival. Ruth wouldn't cut her ties to her inner circle of toxic nursing directors who continued to go to Ruth for support. Instead of referring them to the new CNO, Ruth continued to get involved in and making decisions that should have been left to the CNO. Because Ruth has a long history of making decisions based on one persons story/complaint without asking questions or investigation, decisions were made to the detriment of the organization.

It is sad that the organization has been through 7-CEOs in 3 years and went through 3-CNOs in a 12-month period.

I am so glad to be working for a stable organization that supports its employees and cares about its patients.

Anonymous said...

why hasn't the CEO taken control of the situation or is he too afraid of RUTHless? SHe drove Mr D. out of town and seemed to be able to eliminate people at her whim. He needs to take control ... this was women was toxic and these nursing directors need to start using the proper chain of command.

Does anyone take them seriously? i see them a a clique who hover with each other protecting each other and never owning the problems. They dump on the clinical managers and there is only one that is worth even filling that position. And sadly she works for the strongest director.

Psych... well she certainly knows her way to the coffee cart doesn't she? i guess that was the major skill she had to offer that and the faithful informant of RUTHless. She helped eliminate a number of people by feeding information. The benefit was an umbrella of protection and the ability not to have to work too hard.
lets look at this group...
2A director...pretty much was fired from her previous managment experience and we welcomed her back. Then we name her best buddy as her clinical manager. We all know how hard she actually works...

3b director speaks for herself OMG!!!! what was Ruth thinking? And her clinical manager is smart enough but has no experience to even know where to start. Unprofessional and rude to staff. condescending to all who are not nurses.

6a what a joke...again why in the world did RUTHless choose her. She was a failure in her old job and everyone knows how openly rude and incompetent she was. Ruth even knew. But again...she would provide Ruth with the information and backstabbing that RUTHless thrived on.

I could go on but these three are the worst. The arrogance and incompetence of these nurse leaders is a joke for hospital. Especially those in non nursing departments who recgnize their shortcomings and attitudes.patient care will NEVER get better with so called leaders who don't even understand the basics of management let alone nursing.

Anonymous said...

Sad but true! I can confirm Ruth made dicisions in total contrast to what she said she would do and went against sound advice from informed staff when placing some of her leadership in their positions.
To this day, the organization suffers from her self focused decision making.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the weak Directors have formed an aliance with the new CNO and she is also blind to their shortcomings?

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