Thursday, June 28, 2007 many hours are you going to lose?

Did all of you DRMC employees receive your letter about the change to the PTO policy?
How did it make you feel? How many hours are you going to lose on Sunday?

Reduction in max hours....PTO cash-in at 75 cents on the dollar....



sentinel event said...

From HR...a few key excerpts:

"Effective July 1st, there will be changes to our Paid Time Off (PTO) policy which will be reflected in the payroll check you receive on July 16,2007.

-Eligible employees will continue to accrue PTO at the same rate as our previous policy has allowed, but the annual maximum amount of time which can be accumulated will be changed to reflect 150% of your annual accrual rate.

-No employee will lose the hours currently accrued in excess of the new annual maximum as those hours are grandfathered...However, you need to be aware that you will not accrue any additional PTO hours until those grandfathered hours fall below the new maximum.

-As employees with busy schedules and work/life demands, we should make sure that we utilize the hours made available for us through this valuable benefit. While DRMC does have a provision to allow, at pre-determined times of the year, the cash out of PTO hours as long as a balance of 40 hours remains in your accrual bank, future cash outs will be made at seventy-five cents ($.75) on the dollar and paid in increments no smaller than 16 hours.

Anonymous said...

Note that the letter was dated June 20, but my letter didn't get delivered until yesterday. Lots of time to take off my excess time that won't be "grandfathered" before Sunday the 1st, huh?

Anonymous said...

At least you can cash it in at 3/4 face value in December. Cheer up.

Anonymous said...

I hear that it came from HR and senior management had no knowledge of the letter or the change in policy.

Nice case of left hand-right hand.

Anonymous said...

********-No employee will lose the hours currently accrued in excess of the new annual maximum as those hours are grandfathered...However, you need to be aware that you will not accrue any additional PTO hours until those grandfathered hours fall below the new maximum.*******

WOW! If you're still at the hospital I would start taking my PTO or risk losing it. As I recall, a number of us use to maintain hundreds of hours of PTO at any given time. Given this choice, I don't see how they can deny immediate PTO for anyone who requests it ... or risk an HR-related lawsuit. I wonder what would happen if everyone who was to lose PTO under this decided to take their PTO starting tomorrow. If you're sick, you can's work, right?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget they also reduced the maximum hours you can accrue. Long time employees will now not get as many hours in the bank as in the past.

Anonymous said...

My guess is it won't matter to Ruth anyway.....morale is such a nebulous thing.

Anonymous said...

You won't LOSE any hours Sunday. However if you have more than the maximum allowed you WILL NOT accrue any hours from here on out until you fall below the maximum.
SOOOOOOOO....unless you can take enough between now and then to get you below maximum you will lose that benefit for a while. Nice reward for working hard,showing up, not taking excessive days off, and trying to build a bank in case you have a long term hardship.

Anonymous said...

Guess they'll have to rent more expensive travelers to cover us taking our time as it arrives. Hey everyone, keep your PTO just at max or just below and everytime you get within the 16 hours take a day. Get your work friends to coordinate and all go at one time.It'd be kind of hard to turn you down since stupidpoint has made such a "nebulous" rule.
Does this corp. have ANY shame.
Plus how can it be legal to pay less for the benefit when PTO is banked 1:1 . If you use it you get paid 1:1. If you "cash it in" it's 75% !!! Sounds kind of questionable on the legality to me.

Anonymous said...

It's clear here that corporate policies do not encourage quality care for the community or employees. And just to make sure everyone knows who is boss, they'll even change the rules as they need.

This is not effective management, this is retaliation.

Childish .....and Foolish.......

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, acts and quacks like a duck.........................

Anonymous said...

I wish another hospital would open here soon. I'm sure they wouldn't have trouble recruiting employees and patients.

Anonymous said...

75 cents on the dollar.....That's the sort of deal banks offered during the Depression to try to stay afloat. There could be similarities here. LifePoint sounds desperate to be trying contemptible tricks like this.

Anonymous said...

I rate this HR move equal to Art's repeated forum comments that we didn't deserve raises any bigger than 2%. SOMEONE in Danville surely knew what they were doing by giving us NO notice on this change. I guess the books will look good for the next several months while those of us "grandfathered" at the NEW annual maximum can't earn any new PTO deposits into our accounts.

Think about it....I am at the max according to the new plan with no way to get time off.... until my scheduled PTO the end of September. I am "GIVING BACK" almost 2 WEEKs of vacation that I cannot earn???!!!??? AND how generous of them to cash us in at $.75 on the dollar........I may need a mental health day to get over all this GREAT news in one letter!!

Seems for every baby step forward we get pushed 5 giant steps backwards.....sign me LIVID (QUACK..QUACK!!)

Anonymous said...

If you think you're being screwed now, just wait until you see what's coming. God help us all.

Anonymous said...

"just wait until you see what's coming "

So, what may we expect next? As employees, we discuss quite often that we don't imagine we've hit the bottom yet. I don't know how many more surprises we can endure!

Anonymous said...

It is $1 for each hour of PTO cashed in past the max, not .75.

Anonymous said...

FYI......y'all are losers and need to get a job, not just sit back and monday morning quarterback. Does anyone agree?

Anonymous said...

No... letter states, "future PTO cash outs will be made at seventy-five cents on the dollar and paid in increments no smaller than 16 hours."

That means when we are afforded the opportunity to cash in PTO hours in December and June that you will receive only 75% of your hourly pay rate instead of 100%.

Anonymous said...

my manager told me it was changed to $1, not .75

i think the .75 applies to pto cashed in after the initial buy out in July.

Anonymous said...

its common practice not to give 100% on pto cash in, the hospital i used to work, which was nfp, only gave .65, and if we were lucky they would give 80% on one time period a year.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Quit dancing around it and tell us what you really

Anonymous said...

You people are missing the point. Life point owns the hospital now all of this is a little to late. They have a master plan for DRMC. When they are finished DRMC will be a small, small hospital with a 120 patients. The city of Danville Leader are putting up a smoke screen they knew what kind of company lifepoint is,but set by and let them buy DRMC. Oh did I mention the taxes that they are getting !!! But the boys at the bank are doing well. They are managing the 210 million just as they did the hospital and before they are finished the foundation will be broke. Can some one tell me why they enter into a contract to purchase a new computor system for 5 million and at the same time put DRMC on the market to be sold ! Life point shut it off the first day. And that is just the tip of the ice burg of monies wasted at DRMC!!! DRMC employees find anther place to work...........

Anonymous said...

Well it's nice to know that all of my hard work is only worth .75c while all of the corporate big wigs are getting free health and disability insurance. Glad my .25c could help fund it. Hope you enjoy it at my expense. I'll be thinking of you when I've finally exhausted all of my PTO during my major medical illness because I couldn't afford the very expensive short and long term disability that you get for free once again at my expense.

Thank you Lifepoint, you have made all of our dreams come true.

Corporate America, gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

Just a note ... the City Government had no authority to stop the sale of the hospital. The hospital has never been under "city" control. It has always been a private entity.

You can call them a lot of things, but I sure don't consider those who sold the hospital "leaders".

Anonymous said...

the choice was not just made by HR..ask the person in control...Ruthie? Did you think this would not effect our nebulous morale? Did you even talk to anyone about it?

The damage control was not soon enough. And don't pretend you had nothing to do with the initial decision or the communications.

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning. There will be more of the same soon to come. Notice all the suits around lately?

Anonymous said...

RE: the "suits"

I've had people coming through my department...just looking around with their clipboard...never telling me who they are and what they are doing there. Whats up with that?